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The Beauty and the Nerd. desperado1089 x Alisa_Perne

"Hey." she giggled, "Don't disrespect the red solo cup, now its officially a party." she quickly walked back to the bedroom and grabbed her phone out of the one bag she had brought in, then proceeded to play this song and sing along, "Come on Sean, sing with me!" she giggled walking back into the kitchen.
"Hahaha! You go ahead." He bopped along with the song a little, however, as he grabbed the tumbler, the cups and her hand and led her out back to the pool area, where the hot tub sat inactive and dark. "One second, love." He set their wine and cups down on the edge of the hot tub and walked back over to the house, using a control panel in the wall to turn on the floodlights for the whole patio, the underwater lights for the pool and hot tub, and finally the water jets. He walked back to the hot tub. "There's a panel on the edge of the tub, but that one on the outside of the house is the master one. If I didn't turn the master on, the hot tub's individual controls wouldn't work. And don't worry about paparazzi. The automated security system includes micro EMPs and localized signal jammers, so not only would they get arrested for trespassing, but their cameras, phones, whatever they bought with them would be toast, and their cloud storage would never get the 'goods'. Pretty sweet tech, if I do say so myself." Sean stepped into the hot tub, holding out a hand. "May I assist my queen?"
"Paparazzi? Sean, who are you, what other secrets do you have? Am I to wed someone famous?" she smiled and sank into the hot tub, "Sooooo, warm, so relaxing." she let out a sigh of relief, one that she had held in for years it felt like. "This is so relaxing on my tired muscles, I might have to be in here every day after I work out."
"Don't forget the no clothing rule," he smirked and got in next to her. "And my family is most famous for their kindness, generosity, empathy. The only reason we have this place is because my grandfather built the first house on this land with his own hands. His father rose up out of the coal mines to become foreman. Meanwhile, my parents invested in green energy and tech startups, the kind that don't play games with its users' data and all that. While the big ones are getting anally probed by Congress, the ones I guess are my legacy are becoming more and more popular. That's on top of the 75 million dollar lottery jackpot my parents won the first day of their honeymoon. So it's a combination of luck, good karma and frugality that we are where we are now."
"I want to change the world Sean." she blurted out, "Why let all this go to waste? Why not use the resources to truly make something good out of ourselves. I'm not talking tree hugging and protesting deforestation , I am talking about actually making a difference, so when we are old and grey, and we pass this legacy to our kids." she paused and winked, "They have a way to make a mark on the world, just as we will have made ours." she said staring at the sky wistfully, "Lets make a difference."
"That's exactly how I was raised, darling. Up until my folks died, that was exactly what they were doing: using the resources to make something good of themselves." He stared up at the sky as well, searching for where he knew the star known as Wolf 359 was. Pointing at it, he said, "See that? That's one of the closest stars to our solar system. With any luck, our kids will be at the helm of the first expedition there. How's that for a start?"
"Space travel? Like Elon Musk? I think he already has that market cornered love. I really meant about making this world a better place for future generations. Cleaner energy, a cure for diseases and homes for the homeless." she mused, "I want us to go down in history as the couple who moved mountains and changed the world."
"Who says we can't do it all? Besides, he's just looking at Mars. It takes some real guts to look farther. Ever watched Star Trek? That's my goal: faster-than-light spacecraft."
"How smart are you Sean?" she asked, "As if you couldn't impress me more, are you some sort of secret genius too?"
"Maybe," he said playfully, grabbing the thermos he filled with wine. "But if I can't figure it out, I have the resources to find someone who can. Now, do you want some wine, or do you want your dessert, my love?" He reached for the control panel and increased the pressure of one of the water jets that he knew was aiming straight between Ally's legs, his erection returning at once at the thought of her imminent pleasure, hidden for the time being under the gently roiling water.
"You're bad." she said splashing water at him playfully, "Wine please." she said and slid closer to him, resting her hand on his thigh.
"Fine," Sean pouted playfully as he returned the water jet to normal pressure. He grabbed two cups and poured, handing one to his beloved. "To us," he toasted simply, holding his cup out for Ally to tap hers against.
"Clink." Ally said as she tapped her cup against his and giggled and took a sip, "This brings back memories, the cup that is, I spent many a drunken night in college drinking from one of these things, oof, taking me back my guy." she said leaning back and holding the cup up as she sank into the water and got her hair wet before surfacing again and letting the water run down her face before she took another sip. "But now I get to make new memories."
"Indeed we do, my dear. Starting with this." Sean set his cup down on the edge of the hot tub, took a deep breath, and ducked beneath the water, "Eskimo-kissing"* Ally's clit, not wanting to open his mouth and thus force himself to surface early, his trusty G-spot fingering technique making up for the lack of his tongue in the mix.

(*OOC: The term, however outdated and PIC, refers to rubbing the tips of one's noses against each other in affectionate greeting.)
Ally leaned back and moaned, as he fingered her, then she pulled him up and into her arms, and sat him on her lap, she held him and kissed him and began passionately making out with him. "You know, I like kissing too." She smiled and kept kissing him.
"Mmm," Sean moaned, claiming Ally's mouth once again. He kissed her back with equal passion, letting her make the next move, wrapping his arms around her lovingly.
Ally put her hands under Seans armpits, lifted him up and sat him on the edge of the hot tub, smiling as she flexed her muscles a few times and then got on her knees and started to lick his shaft, slowly, gingerly.
"Hehe. I love how strong you are, yet you're also so beautiful." Sean stroked her hair lovingly. "But are you sure you're not feeling left out?" He smirked and reached for the control panel again and cranked up another water jet--still one that's aimed straight at her pussy--to an even higher setting than before.
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Ally moaned, said no words and started sucking his cock, licking up and down his shaft, slowly, gingerly, dragging it out, "I'm going to suck a load out of you, its my turn to get what I want, and you are going to sit right there while I do it." she whispered and continued sucking.
"I will sit here, but you sure you don't want more?" He smirked through a moan of his own and cranked up the pressure on the water jet even more.
Ally resisted, and suppressed a moan, she wasn't going to give in to him, "Positive." she said pulling his cock out of her mouth with a pop.
"I doubt that," Sean said, and turned it up even higher. "You're welcome to cum right where you are, by the way. I just figured you would prefer it be while I'm filling you up again."
"Oh god." she moaned softly and kept doing her best to resist, although her will was breaking, she kept sucking his cock. "Then take me." she whispered, no longer in control of her own will.
He smiled and lifted her up out of the water gently, kissing her with the same passion as before. "I love you, Ally." Sean said nothing else as he gently lowered her onto his waiting member, sliding the both of them back down into the water so he was once again seated where he was before, returning the water jets to normal. "Now, ride your nerd, baby," he whispered in her ear.
"Yes." she whispered as she started to gyrate her hips on his cock, making him hit all of her walls, she leaned back so her breasts were exposed and she placed her hands on his shoulders, and gripped him as she started to gyrate faster and faster.
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