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The Beauty and the Nerd. desperado1089 x Alisa_Perne

He offered no dialogue save his moans as he scrabbled for somewhere to put his hands, finally deciding to add to her stimulation by squeezing her breasts with both hands. He threw his head back and grunted with effort to keep from exploding right then and there as he returned his gaze to her face, that glistened with water in the patio lights like some kind of water spirit. "You--are so--amazing," he panted.
"You aren't so bad yourself." she smiled and kept riding him, and moaning, "Sean, I'm gunna-" she threw her head back as her pussy clinched around his cock and she orgasmed right there in the hot tub, head thrown back, a wet, sweaty mess.
Her orgasm was all he needed to lose his own control. "Fuck!", was all he was able to articulate as his cock pulsed within her and filled her up, thrusting upwards to achieve maximum pleasure for them both. Unlike Ally, Sean threw his head forward when he came, so as he drifted back to Earth he was aware of his face being buried in her cleavage. He kissed her sternum and, as a more silly counterpoint, he motorboated her a little bit before leaning back. With a sigh, he said, "So! What now, my queen?"
Ally was still riding out the last of her orgasm, taking deep, trembling breaths before she came back down to earth then leaned forward and rested on his chest. "You never stop do you?" she giggled, "You have to learn to just sit still, be like this water hon. It goes where it pleases, but it is also content not being in motion. Lets just relax." she said as she slid off his lap and sat next to him, resting her head on his shoulder. Just take it in, you are the king of your castle and you have a beautiful woman with you, what more do we need?" she asked.
Sean leaned his head against hers. "Not a single thing. I was asking you, remember?" He kissed her on the forehead, draping his arm around her. An owl hooted nearby in the treeline, about a dozen yards away. "Think he sees us? Should we cover up?", he joked, referencing the owl. "My parents were on their way back from getting permits to turn the grounds into a wildlife sanctuary, when they were killed. All this space, so why not share it? They were gonna first make sure the animals were okay, then worry about how they were gonna open it to the public." He sighed. "I filled them out and signed them the day the estate was transferred to my name." He remained calm and relaxed, but his face was wistful as he thought about his parents' legacy.
"We should carry that legacy forward." she smiled taking a sip of her wine, "Can I keep an owl as a pet?" she asked, "Do they make good pets?" she asked, "I think they would, can we keep one? I promise to take care of it."
Sean laughed. "It would be cool, don't get me wrong. But imagine that all of the animals that come here are our pets. That's the best way to think of it without possibly doing wrong by them. After all, the whole point of wildlife sanctuaries is so they don't need to be caged up in zoos and people's backyards. What was that one guy's name, decided a fucking tiger was a good pet? Nah man, we can have a dog, a cat, anything you can get at the pet store. And maybe a falcon or something like you see in those medieval TV shows. But unfortunately, this isn't Harry Potter and they won't bring us our mail every morning." He sipped his own wine. "I think one of my parents' ideas was to make it a sort of virtual experience. The sanctuary, that is. Set up a website, maybe even a place here where they can sit and relax away from their habitats. Then one of our tech startup friends would see if they can make drones, cameras, and so on that'll allow people to see them without disturbing them." He set his wine down. "Of course, there's also that grotto I was gonna take you to sometime tomorrow, so it's not like nobody is gonna disturb them. But we'll be quiet...until we get there anyways." His shit-eating grin spoke volumes about just exactly what kind of noises they'd make at the waterfall.
"Of course you planned to fuck." she said rolling her eyes, "You are insatiable." she said slapping him playfully, "Any pet I want as long as its from a pet store huh?" she smiled, "I want a blackthroat monitor, they are huge lizards, they get to be six feet long, and if you raise them right, they are the most cuddly little things." she nuzzled into his chest, "Besides, can you imagine their reactions when its fully grown and we take our lizard for a walk."
Sean laughed. "I am only as insatiable as you are desirable. Besides, it's a beautiful spot. I planned for a long time, if I ever had a girlfriend, to take her out there. Now I can make those plans a reality." He smiled and kissed Ally's forehead as she snuggled with him. "I knew I'd regret saying that, about anything you can find in a pet store. Go for it, but if that thing even looks at me like I'm a snack, I'm shooting it myself. And it won't be allowed onto the sanctuary." He was only half-joking about killing it; he had gone to the range several times with his old head of security, so he was definitely no spring chicken when it came to handling firearms.
"Understood." she said with a smile and kissed him on the neck, "Speaking of shooting, when am I going to meet your security team love?" she asked excitedly, "Are you as excited as I am?" she asked, "Oh! Can I take the mustang out for a drive tonight? I wanna see how she rides."
"Tomorrow, darling. Right now, I wanna see how you ride!" Sean laughed and slid out from underneath her, climbing out of the hot tub with a grin. "But first, you have to catch me!" He backed slowly towards the house, opening the sliding patio door and programming it to stay open until Ally crossed the threshold, beckoning her to follow. He turned and ran off out of sight, headed for the garage on the other side of the house and Ally's Mustang.
"Oh you think you are fast huh?" Ally giggled and hurdled out of the hot tub, her feet it the ground and she was chasing him, she let him stay ahead though, despite the fact she could easily catch him she wanted to see where he was going so she stayed far enough behind to see him, but close enough if she made a dead sprint she would catch him.
On his way to the garage Sean skidded to a halt and put his hand on a palm-print scanner that granted access to a small armory for his security staff. Closing the door behind him, he grabbed a Sig-Sauer P220 that was chambered in .45 caliber and loaded five rounds into the magazine before loading the weapon in turn. He opened a secret passage to the garage, programming the palm scanner to unlock for Ally at the same time as coding her into the system, and by the time she drew level with the armory, he had already emerged and was waiting to demonstrate her new car's armor plating, the pistol on a nearby workbench as he leaned against the hood, naked, dripping, his arms crossed casually. Now it was a game of hide-and-seek.
Ally went into the armory, "Sean?" she said, "Where did you go?" she said, "Hmmm, a puzzle?" she asked, "So if I know you, and all your talk there is probably a hidden door." she knocked on a part of the wall, "Just gotta find the seam." she moved around the room and finally found what she believed was the door and pushed, it flew open and she stumbled into the garage, "HA! Found you!" she said.
Sean smirked. "Congratulations. Now, remember how I said your new ride was bulletproof? Would you like a chance to find out for yourself?" He straightened to his feet, and gestured to the workbench. "Unless you want a different ride? Perhaps this one?" He crossed the garage to the tarp-covered vehicle, and he pulled it off for the first time since his parents' death. It was a 1964 Aston Martin DB5, and it was supposed to be a gift for Sean's thirty-second birthday, which was still two months away. He was a huge James Bond fan, so his parents thought it a fitting present.

Clearing his throat of his gathering tears, he said, "It was meant to be my next birthday gift. I want it, but I want you to be happy more."
She hugged him, "Oh Sean its perfect, I can't take away your dream car from you, maybe you can take us out to dinner in it one time, but baby, its all yours." she said holding him, "The fact you were offering it already means the world but no, its all yours." she pulled back trying to lighten the mood. "Now, show me a gun so I can shoot something." she said excitedly.
"Of course." Sean padded back over to the Mustang and the workbench. "I'm sure you recognize the weapon? Sig-Sauer P-220 in .45 caliber. I'm afraid the only handgun we have on the property that is nearly as intimidating as a Desert Eagle is the .357 my father used for hunting. Not really suitable for close protection unless you swap the barrel for something shorter. The glass is as bulletproof as the body work, so you don't have to be too precise with your aim. In fact, I'd prefer you aim a little loosely, as too many impacts on the same spot might mean we'd need to replace the armor plate. Better that happens after a real emergency, no?" He stepped a safe distance back after pressing a button, which caused a curtain made of Kevlar tri-weave to descend from the ceiling, and it hung between the modified Mustang and the other five cars. "Just in case there's any ricochets. You got five rounds, but I'm sure you'll make them count."
"Oh damn!" she pulled back the slide on the pistol and one loaded into the chamber, "She fired five shots, one at the front windshield, one at the hood, one at the front quarter panel on the left, one at the rear windshield and one at the passenger side window. "Oh my god, this is some spy movie shit Sean, this is amazing!"
"I told you when we pulled in. Guess I wasn't specific enough about the modifications. Its engine also runs half as loud without sacrificing any power and it has a short-range electric mode for even more stealth applications. Of course you'd probably just use it to sneak up on someone before blasting them to kingdom come." Sean was immensely proud of the vehicle, and it showed on his face. "So, as my incoming security chief, there's one more 'gun' I'd like you to try before we return to the bedroom, or the gym, or wherever the wind takes us next tonight." He walked over to Ally and gently took the gun from her, laying it on the workbench before returning to the Mustang and patting the hood. "Have a seat, darling, and we'll see just how tough this bad boy is."
Ally smirked and hopped on the hood, and spread her legs, "Give it to me daddy." she said with a smile on her face.
"Gods above, how did I get so lucky?", Sean wondered aloud as he stroked his rock-hard member for a moment. "You do realize that, when we do eventually have kids, that won't change a thing, right? That is, I won't find you any less sexy or desirable. Some women have even reported being hornier when they're carrying a baby. So...", he leaned close and whispered in her ear, "if you'd let me, I'd fuck you every day of those nine months until you go into labor." He hoped his dirty talk would help to both arouse and reassure Ally as he pressed his cock against her entrance before sliding it in, locking them in place for a minute as he waited for her to answer.
Ally smiled, "Okay Casanova, one of these days we will have a kid." She grabbed him by the waist and forced his cock into her.
Since he was already buried to the hilt inside her, her actions only served to make him groan in pleasure as he was thrust even deeper into her. "But Casanova was a serial cheater. Why on earth would I even look at another girl twice when I already have the best lover in the entire universe right here on the hood of a car, with her pussy wrapped around my cock?" He began slowly fucking her, taking his time as he looked into her eyes. "Mmm, just relax and let Daddy make love to you. We can go hard and fast some other time."
"Oh god, stop using your brain." she rolled her eyes and moaned, "I just meant it as a term of endearment, instead of just saying shut up and fuck me and ruining the moment." she kissed him and then giggled, "Now shut up and fuck me."
Sean laughed, but did not increase his pace. He shut up, certainly, but he wasn't gonna pound her into next week like he'd been doing; if they couldn't get off while using "lovemaking speed", then that could be a problem.
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