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The Beauty and the Nerd. desperado1089 x Alisa_Perne

"I imagine it was. But now you see, we can have our cake and eat it too. After all, is this not worth christening tonight?" He smirked and pressed a touch-screen on the wall, and the lights changed to a soft, fiery orange as Sean's favorite song began floating out from recessed speakers.
"Oh no you didn't" Ally said with a grin, "You know I love this song right?" she took a step back, "You have just earned yourself a one on one performance." She started to sing, and sing she did, belting out the tune, and doing it well at that, she started singing, and swaying her hips and smiling.
Sean smiled and sung along with her, thinking back to all the jam sessions he had with his dad in the car and how they always turned up the radio even louder, air-guitaring like a couple of goofballs, when Joe Walsh started shredding during the outro. Unlike most bathrooms, Sean's parents had this one designed so that if the sound system was cranked up to max, there wouldn't be any wacky acoustics due to the high volume, and this was showcased when he cranked up the volume after the famous line, "You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave!"
She joined him in the air guitaring and head banging, just enjoying herself and being herself, and when the song was over she started laughing, "The last time I did that was six years ago, man, you really do bring out the best in me babe." she smiled, "You really do."
"As do you, Ally. As do you." Sean sighed wistfully. "My dad taught me how to air guitar. That song is my favorite, but his favorite Eagles song was another one. JARVIS! One of These Nights, please, and turn on the shower already." His dad had actually helped Stan Lee himself change a tire when the former was visiting LA, and he was just starting to make the place into a smart home, so to thank him, Stan let them use the name as well as the voice actor to program and narrate their system, so it probably surprised Ally to hear Paul Bettany's voice ring out, saying, "At once, sir."
Ally smiled, "Fancy yourself the man of iron do you?" she giggled, "Missing the preposterous beard and 180 IQ and of course a lab, but other than that, I would say, you are a dead ringer for Stark himself." she smiled, "I will be the Pepper Potts to your Tony Stark any day." she said putting a hand on his shoulder.
"Actually, my dad helped Stan Lee change his tire when we were visiting LA. This was his way of thanking him. And I don't think Pepper ever carried a gun. But we'll talk Marvel personas later, yeah?" Sean jerked his head in the direction of the shower, which turned on as One of These Nights started playing on the sound system, the bass intro thrumming perfectly throughout the space.
Ally kissed him on the cheek and then stepped into the shower, "Oh man, its so warm in here." she said as she stood and spread out her arms and legs, "This is the kind of shower a girl dreams of having, you know those pinterest posts that someone does, they share a photo of something like this and just type need. Well now, I am going to take a photo one of these days to spite all of them and post it and say have." she giggled.
"Go for it. Meanwhile, let us enjoy each other, yes?" Sean followed Ally into the shower, shut the door, and immediately began "enjoying her", claiming her mouth with his as he wrapped his arms around her. "So, are you okay with this? Earlier you seemed not too keen on it." His uncertainty got the better of him suddenly, and he released her, biting his lip nervously.
"You mean making love in the shower?" she asked with a smile, "Of course its okay my love, but after this let us refrain and relax for the night. We don't want to try everything in one day and then suddenly become bored of it."
"Good idea," he said and resumed kissing her, running his hands up and down her body. "Mmm, you're so beautiful and sexy. How on earth did nobody really appreciate that until now?" He explored every inch he could reach before focusing his efforts on her sex, rubbing it with his entire hand.
"Because I-" she never got to finish the sentence as he started stroking her pussy she lost the thought altogether and focused on the sensation again moaning lewdly.
Sean stopped for a moment, looking seriously into Ally's eyes. "Because you, what, darling? I didn't mean to cut you off." He let her answer this time, hugging her close under the running water.
"Because I can sometimes be a bitch." she said, "Because I am a selfless lover and partner and I get pissy when someone doesn't return what I have to offer, I mean, compared to what you have given me its next to nothing, but I have my heart and its wide open, that's also why it gets broken so much I guess, but now it will never be broken again, not with you and that's all the satisfaction I need." she smiled.
"I'm so happy to hear that, Ally. Not really sure if I need to say anything more." He smiled back at her, and resumed his ministrations, giving her mound a deep massage as he kissed her passionately, his other hand cupping her breast.
Ally leaned back against the shower wall and rested herself as Sean pleasured her, drifting away in the warm water and his soothing touch, she would moan and arch her back before finally her fluids would burst all over his hand, she smiled, "You are such a giver."
"Hmm. Now I'll give you something else." Sean smirked lasciviously as he impaled her on his rock-hard member without further ado; she was, of course, already well-lubricated from her orgasm so it was no effort to slide himself into her. He hummed contentedly as he rocked his hips up and down, going in and out of her as he continued to kiss her and play with her tits.
Ally almost lost her mind when he did that, as a second wave, or rather an after shock from the first orgasm triggered by his cock entering her coursed through her body. "Oh god Sean." she moaned.
Sean just smiled as he continued to slowly make love to her, unhurriedly building their pleasure slowly but surely. "Mmm, this is nice. It's like we were made for each other. No matter how fast or slow we go, you always feel so divine."
"And you feel perfect." she admitted, for the first time in her life she had found a truly compatible lover. The thought made her smile.
"Hmmmm," he moaned as he continued. "So good." His face betrayed a slight effort in holding himself back, but otherwise he seemed as cool as a cucumber as he bought her closer and closer to the edge.
"I'm gunna hnnnngghhh." Ally moaned as she came all over his cock.
Ally giggled as her body relaxed she playfully slapped him in the chest, "Were you mocking me?"
Sean chuckled. "Maybe. But I love how I cause you to make such noises, as silly as they may sound." To emphasize the point of "love" he proceeded to grab some body wash and immediately begin cleaning Ally, taking his time.
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