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That feel when...

That feel when you bump your thread on a slow day moments before an avalanche of other people push it down the thread page.
That feel when you're doing an RP based on something you didn't ever really consider and it's... just... so good?
That feel when life decides to turn into a roller coaster for a few days and you're strapped in for a ride. @_@
That feel when you're not only heading for a RP break but also a break from Non Essential Interneting*.

* Disclaimer, watching music video's online is essential interneting.
That feeling when you need to get a third post up to prove your not a bot. Woah, I just did that now. In hindsight it was honestly an underwhelming feeling.
TFW you see a RT headline which gives the hope of something different and amazing and yet when you open it, it's more Harry Potter fandom's or fandom's in general. OR just simply more of the same.
That feel when you hit send on a long overdue post and within minutes your partner sends you a message praising your work.

Never gets old.
That feel when you can't handle your current stories but your stupid ass is thinkin' about adding more...

The feel when you join a website after a two year hiatus and are highly motivated to play a good ERP, but then you are ghosted, left hanging and/or ignored everywhere ... and suddenly all motivation is gone. -sigh-

I think I need a break now. 😔
TFW you were excited and waiting for an RP to start for so long, but only for it to end before it even starts.
When you roll over in the middle of the night, check your phone out of curiosity, and having received a reply, bolt up to respond even if it's 2am and you've got to be up at 5am.
When you roll over in the middle of the night, check your phone out of curiosity, and having received a reply, bolt up to respond even if it's 2am and you've got to be up at 5am.
Wish I had that kind of energy in me. I usually just go "Nah, I'll do it tomorrow" and end up feeling like a lazy piece of shit...though I can (and have) done the same thing when I had less RPs to worry about.
The feel when you join a website after a two year hiatus and are highly motivated to play a good ERP, but then you are ghosted, left hanging and/or ignored everywhere ... and suddenly all motivation is gone. -sigh-

I think I need a break now. 😔
Yep when you sense that the RP world has shifted but you still like the same things and the same ways.
TFW you were excited and waiting for an RP to start for so long, but only for it to end before it even starts.
Mmm hmmm that when feel when you think you have found "the one" but they drop out early or don't even start.

When you roll over in the middle of the night, check your phone out of curiosity, and having received a reply, bolt up to respond even if it's 2am and you've got to be up at 5am.
When you plan on doing something else but your partner keeps responding quickly so you just know you will be at the computer all day.
That feel when you're new potential partners offers to start the RP. I mean I have no problems starting it out but RP partners who actually offer to start first... special place in my heart for them <3
When you crack a joke and someone doesn’t get it, so you’re stuck a) looking like an idiot or b) awkwardly explaining the joke. Lol.
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