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That feel when...

When you crack a joke and someone doesn’t get it, so you’re stuck a) looking like an idiot or b) awkwardly explaining the joke. Lol.
Oh man I relate! I have a very dry and warped sense of humour. The amount of times I have made a joke and someone takes it seriously! I'm also Aussie and our sense of humour is quite rough. Goes down a treat on international forums.
That feel when you write over 1k words plotting a gangbang and you come up with sequels for said gangbang on the spot!
That feel when you think you're starting to catch up on your replies but get 4+ within an hour when you already owe 4, bringing it back up to 8. :')
That feel when you want a new RP, but you can't think of any ideas, and nothing in the RTs looks appealing. The moral equivalent of staring at the fridge and not wanting to eat anything despite feeling hungry.
That feel when you owe multiple posts and your characters' personalities and the RP themes are drastically different. 🎭
That Feeling What you know you should write , but there's just one more clip to watch on YouTube... >.>
tfw you crave the mental stimulation of a new rp but lack the mental stimulation to finish the RT for your new rp.
That feel when you are keeping up with replies for your RP’s (which never happens), and you’re debating on bumping your thread, knowing you will regret it because everyone will magically post at the same time, making you fall behind again. TT__TT
That feel when you're just minutes away from sitting down and beginning another essay of a reply, so you're throwing mental jabs in the air and cycling through random words in your head to start greasing that wheel inside your mind. I'm gassing the fuck out of myself right now 'cause no one else is!
That feel when the perfect partner comes along to fill the niche you've always been looking for.

Life is good.
That feel when you fuck around and write a 4900 word reply and prepare for the next round of replies with another partner. Woo!
That joyous feel when a partner you had written off as a ghosting returns. Nothing quite like it!
The feeling when you know Monday is approaching...and you're NOT turning your alarm on for it.
That feel when you get your back worked on by your chiropractor, you take a nice evening walk with nothing but you and your music, and you sit your ass down to write a reply for one of your few wonderful, imaginative partners. Feels fucking good, man.
That feel when someone on BMR has the same username as your ex from a million years ago, and you’re sure it’s not him, BUT STILL.
That feeling when you're in-between stories, fantasies, and friends, and life seems in limbo rather than hell
That feel when you're on a roleplay site full of people and realize it's surprisingly hard to find people to roleplay with, lol.

I wasn't expecting that. XD
That feel when you're on a roleplay site full of people and realize it's surprisingly hard to find people to roleplay with, lol.

I wasn't expecting that. XD
Heh...yeah, because preferences. I understand this feeling.

Everybody wants their own thing, and because no two people are the same... :)
Heh...yeah, because preferences. I understand this feeling.

Everybody wants their own thing, and because no two people are the same... :)
That's true. ^^
And new people generally have a hard time getting in.

That feel when you think your budgies are locked in their cage and you open the balcony door to let some fresh air in, and suddenly one of your birds lands on your shoulder. @_@

That was my fastest 5 meter sprint to close the door before the birds escaped. But I made it. All birds safe. o_O 😁(y)
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