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A Vampire's Decision(Raziel99+Anjeru)

He watched her move and lay down, holding back from licking his lips. His mouth seemed to go dry, and at her question, he nodded, moving to lay down with her. His arms went around her and pulled her close, letting out a sigh as one hand slowly went through her hair. "I'm here. I'm not going anywhere."

Because you are mine. I am not letting anyone lay a hand on you. He wasn't sure if she heard that ring through his mind. But he didn't really mind if she did.
She thought she heard the words, but she wasn't sure if it were her wish being worded, or him really saying it. She mewed contently as he pulled her close and ran his fingers through her hair; she loved that feeling, his fingers in her hair. It was comforting and made her feel safe, warm, as if the attack yesterday night hadn't happened at all.

"I don't understand this..." she murmured against his neck, just as she fell into a content slumber.
He sighed softly as he heard her last words before sleep. He needed her to understand. This was much more than a need to him. He had to have her. So his mind went and sought her out, following the blood bond that he made with her.

He found her easily, and he softly stroked her hair mentally, looking into her eyes. "I need you." His voice was softly. "You won't understand at first. But you are my other half. That is what led me to you. Why we feel the way we do. I can't go on without you. But I can't force you to do anything..." He gently moved forward and kissed her, before pulling out of her mind.

Back in his own head, he closed his eyes, deciding that sleep could be good.
Alyx woke a little while later, not really understanding why she understood this a little more, but she did. He needed her. She sort of got the feeling that she needed him as well. She opened her eyes and propped her chin in her hand to look at Dimitri's sleeping face, studying his masculine beauty in it's peaceful respite. Taking her free hand, she shyly touched her fingertips to his cheek and softly brushed them along his skin. He really was beautiful, she didn't care if that really wasn't the word used to describe most men. Though, really, he was definitely not most men. He was special. Why else would she feel so close to him in such a short time, if he wasn't?
He woke up when he felt her touch, eyes staying closed but his cheek nuzzling into her fingers. A soft, happy sound left his lips. "Mmm... i take it you slept well?" he said softly, opening his eyes and looking at hers. Every time he looked at her he was amazed. Amazed at her beauty, at her spirit, at how lucky he was that he found her. His own hand came up and found her cheek, gently stroking his fingers over her skin.
She blushed again as she was caught stroking his cheek, but it didn't seem like he minded, so she pressed her palm to it, almost as if she were holding the side of his face lovingly. As he put his hand to her cheek in response, she blushed even more, her violet eyes sparkling nervously. "I...I did." she said softly. "And you? Did...Did you sleep well?" She moved her hand from his cheek to gently run it across his silky hair, before tangling her fingers in the strands.
He smiled, nuzzling into her hand still, enjoying her touch. He followed suit with what she was doing, his own hand going through her silky locks. He rubbed a piece of her hair between his thumb and finger, enjoying the feel of it on his skin. "I slept well, too." He then pulled her closer, her body against him, and kissed her forehead gently, lifting his head up some to do it.
She swore to god she was going to have a permanent blush being around Dimitri, because he just made her feel so...she couldn't even describe it. She just felt that they fit together perfectly, like she was meant to be here with him and why she'd never felt comfortable with anyone, especially anyone male, before now. "That's good." she said. She nuzzled her face against his neck, unable to deny her compulsion to do so.
He let out a sigh of want, his arms gripping at her slightly as he felt her against his neck. Such soft and light movements made him burn up again. "Oh..." His fingers pulled down her back lightly, wanting so much to take her, to make her his once and for all. But he doubted that she was ready for him. And that made hi need to bide his time.
She felt his fingers tighten against her back and she raised her head quickly to peer down at him with wide violet eyes. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to..." she blushed, seeming to become flustered a bit, "what I mean was...I couldn't help myself...I'm sorry." Mortified, she hid her bright red face against his chest in the material of his shirt. Oh god, I'm making a fool of myself. She chastised herself, embarrassed.
His hand came up her side, finding her chin and lifting her face again to meet his eyes. "Don't apologize." He said softly, before pulling her close, finding her lips with his. The kiss was soft, a gentle brush of his lips against hers, but he held it for a long moment. But eventually, he pulled back, blushing slightly but looking into her eyes.
That simple moment seemed to last a lifetime for her and when they parted, she nodded shyly. "O-okay." Obviously he wasn't going to let her get away with hiding her face which was one of her most-known habits, one she was often yelled at for by the workers of her bar. Blinking at that thought, she sat up reluctantly. "Do you have a phone? I kind of own a bar and if I don't let my workers know I'm okay, they'll probably flip out." She chuckled a little as red strands of hair fell across one side of her face. "They don't know what to do without me and I'm usually in every night to make sure everything is going smoothly."
He sighed softly, his hands trailing over her back through her shirt, almost sadly though. "You can go if you want, if you have to work. I will wait here for you. But leave early so you don't get caught in the light." He kissed her softly again, pulling her close and kissing deeper this time before breaking it, his arms loosening so she could go.
"If you're sure..." she murmured, reluctant to part. Shyly, she leaned down and gave him a gentle and light kiss of her own; the simple action caused her to blush again. She seriously needed to work on that, she decided, hopping up from the bed and stretching her lithe body. It was actually the first time she got to feel the differences and it actually felt nice to her, like she could take on the world. Such a change from before, she thought. "I don't have to work, " she said, facing him,"I just have to check in on everyone. Make sure everything isn't in chaos. Would you like to come?"

She was still a little afraid, honestly. The previous night's attack was likely to haunt her for awhile and the night still presented that fear for her, kind of ironic considering she was to live in the night now.
He heard her offer to come with her, and the shadows that crossed his face of the prospect of her leaving his presence was wiped away like a light shining on him. "Yes, I can come with you." He said, sitting up and getting out of his bed. The movements made his muscles ripple under his shirt. He moved closer to her and took her hands gently, pulling her close and kissing her deeply. "Or if you don't want to go out, you can call. There is a phone downstairs." He only offered the last because he felt her fear of the night outside.
She felt better the instant he pressed the soft kiss to her; it was strange to her and she didn't understand the compulsions she was feeling towards him. After all, he was a stranger to her. Yet, she felt like she'd known him for the entire 23 years of her life. It sort of frightened and excited her at the same time.

"I think I'll call, instead." She blushed a little, softly admitting, "I'd much rather be here than in the bar. Too many people and of course, drunkards." As much as she bashed her bar, she loved it to death. "I feel a little silly though...being afraid of the dark." She laughed a little at herself. "It does sound funny, Dimitri. A vampie being afraid of the dark."
He smiled, kissing her lightly and leading her downstairs. "After what you have gone through, I am not surprised." He picked up the phone and dialed the number for her, handing it to her. "I'll explain how i know this number when we go back upstairs." He said, with a soft smile.

In his mind, he was playing ideas, things that he could do to her.
Alyx took the phone from his hand, shell-shocked that she hadn't needed to tell Dimitri the number to her bar. There were only 2 reasons she could think of that would explain how he knew it; 1)he had secretly been stalking her or 2)he'd plucked the number from her mind. She was leaning more towards option 2, after all he was a vampire. Wasn't that something that vampire could do?

"Hey Michelle. Yeah, sorry I'm not making it in tonight. Family emergency came up. Uh huh. Of course. You holding up the fort without me? Good. Alright, hold it down til I get back. Yeah, miss you too Sug. Take care."

She hung the phone back up and sighed a little, dragging her fingers through her firey hair. She adjusted her black jeans on her hips and then made her way back upstairs. She propped herself against the doorway and crossed her arms, eyeing Dimitri curiously.
He was lying face-up on the bed, eyes closed and a tranquil expression on his face. But he had heard her come up, so instead of speaking, he reached out to her, connecting to her mind.

You can speak to me this way, too. His voice was soft, like velvet over skin. A pure invitation for pleasure. Pleasure he would freely give her.
God in heaven! He could read her mind! She wasn't sure that she liked that entirely. There was no way she could hide something, like a feeling or compulsion or want or need, if he was in her head. I'm not sure that's a good thing. She said it in response, a soft chuckle following her words. His voice was like a caress across her skin and it made her shiver. She wanted to make her way towards him but at the same time she didn't. It was all so confusing to her, to understand the conflicting emotions inside of her; it was like her human side was fighting with her now awakened vampire side, that knew this man as her mate.

Shyly, she made her way towards the bed but instead of sitting or laying on it, she sat on her knees on the floor beside the bed and placed a hand on his chest. She felt the beat of his heart under her hand and, as she suspected, it was following the exact beat of her own. Connected, they were definitely connected to a depth that she couldn't completely fathom yet.
He felt her hand, and he slowly turned his head to face her, eyes opening as he looked deep into her eyes. His hands took hers gently, lightly pulling her to be with him, lying against him. Or on him. When he got her closer, his arms went around her hips, pulling her close as he kissed her, not a light touch, but more passionate, deeper than the ones that he had before.

You can block me out if you want.
She squeaked in surprised but allowed herself to be pulled up, to where she found herself laying across him. One leg lying across his own, an arm across his chest, and her hip resting on the soft bed. The kiss surprised and flustered her, but she couldn't surpress the moan in her throat from it. His passion flared up in her mind and it caused her to shudder against him.

I don't want to? I don't understand it myself, but...I don't want to block you out.
He felt her shudder, found that it excited him all the more. He pulled her into a deeper kiss, hos arms pulling her closer as he rolled onto his side, to press closer against her.

You don't have to. And it wouldn't be forever. Just when you don't want to hear me. He broke the kiss, and looked deep into her eyes, a need bright in his eyes. "I need you." He whispered.
It scared her that she didn't want to push him away; it was probably that human morality of her's that refused to depart from her new vampire-like side of her. Her violet eyes stared up into his own and widened a bit at his words, but sparkled with a sense of sensual excitement, and a hint of fear. Her hand reached up to slide into his hair as she swallowed nervously, bringing his head down to her neck; it was her shy way of letting her know she was okay with this, for now. If it became too much she would stop him, she was sure.
He smiled at her soft acceptance of his need. He was sure that she needed it as well. He moved back slightly, then rolled her onto her back. He found her lips with his, kissing her in a passionate heat that he could feel for nobody else. But he broke it for a moment, to pull off his shirt. He sat up somewhat, giving her a decent view of his body, as his hands played with the hem of her shirt.
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