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Hot and bothered

Rubyliday said:
Anansi said:
Male: Length, member, shaft, hardness, erection
Female: Slit, fount, channel, furrow, wetness
unisex: Sex, desire,

some of these just if you want to be vague.

I love the ones you did for female... but fount?

It drips doesn't it?

*Gasps* Outside of PVP Trygon also follows the thumper rule it seems
Anansi said:
Rubyliday said:
Anansi said:
Male: Length, member, shaft, hardness, erection
Female: Slit, fount, channel, furrow, wetness
unisex: Sex, desire,

some of these just if you want to be vague.

I love the ones you did for female... but fount?

It drips doesn't it?

*Gasps* Outside of PVP Trygon also follows the thumper rule it seems
I don't need to make any jokes about Raz's bloated sense of self-worth, it is one on it's own.
Hhmm turgid is a good word to use.

I've always wondered why snigger got marked as misspelled, seems its not a real word and just a modification of snicker. Trygon led me to learn something today. I always thought a snigger was kind of a muffled snicker.

It communicates an idea - It's a real enough word for my purposes.

Ruby - 'Ello, miss~

I was vaguely considering encouraging new lows of dirtyness for this thread. What do you think?
Trygon said:
It communicates an idea - It's a real enough word for my purposes.

Ruby - 'Ello, miss~

I was vaguely considering encouraging new lows of dirtyness for this thread. What do you think?

*jumps up and down* Oh please do!
It's not bloated self-worth, Try. I think rather low. I just have a huge ego that tends to get over stroked, and then I over-glorify. It's a bad habit I find hard to break.
Raziel99 said:
It's not bloated self-worth, Try. I think rather low. I just have a huge ego that tends to get over stroked, and then I over-glorify. It's a bad habit I find hard to break.

*raises hand* Lately that would be my fault.
Rubyliday said:
Raziel99 said:
It's not bloated self-worth, Try. I think rather low. I just have a huge ego that tends to get over stroked, and then I over-glorify. It's a bad habit I find hard to break.

*raises hand* Lately that would be my fault.
*puts your hand down* no It's not, Ruby. It's my own fault.
Rubyliday said:
Trygon said:
It communicates an idea - It's a real enough word for my purposes.

Ruby - 'Ello, miss~

I was vaguely considering encouraging new lows of dirtyness for this thread. What do you think?

*jumps up and down* Oh please do!
Okay, since you're so eager, you can go first.

Tell us about the best orgasm you ever had in public, whether it was alone or with someone else.
*Sits with a bucket of well buttered and salted popcorn and waits*
Anansi said:
Hhmm turgid is a good word to use.

I've always wondered why snigger got marked as misspelled, seems its not a real word and just a modification of snicker. Trygon led me to learn something today. I always thought a snigger was kind of a muffled snicker.


'Snigger' is a word, and it is a muffled sort of laugh.

Turgid is an adjective, so you probably don't want to call an erect penis a 'turgid'.
Kawamura said:
Anansi said:
Hhmm turgid is a good word to use.

I've always wondered why snigger got marked as misspelled, seems its not a real word and just a modification of snicker. Trygon led me to learn something today. I always thought a snigger was kind of a muffled snicker.


'Snigger' is a word, and it is a muffled sort of laugh.

Turgid is an adjective, so you probably don't want to call an erect penis a 'turgid'.

No no I was talking about an adjective to attach to ego, not to penis.

All right. I wasn't paying much attention, just giving drive-by grammar lessons.
Trygon said:
Rubyliday said:
Trygon said:
It communicates an idea - It's a real enough word for my purposes.

Ruby - 'Ello, miss~

I was vaguely considering encouraging new lows of dirtyness for this thread. What do you think?

*jumps up and down* Oh please do!
Okay, since you're so eager, you can go first.

Tell us about the best orgasm you ever had in public, whether it was alone or with someone else.

Oooh! You are so evil.... I love it!

In public. Oh! I dont know if this totally counts (If it doesn't I will share something else hehe) Me and this guy decided to drive around and find a place to park hehe. Well we ended up passing a golf course. So we turned around, parked on the drive up to the club house and he fucked me from behind, half in half out of the car.
Rubyliday said:
Trygon said:
Rubyliday said:
*jumps up and down* Oh please do!
Okay, since you're so eager, you can go first.

Tell us about the best orgasm you ever had in public, whether it was alone or with someone else.

Oooh! You are so evil.... I love it!

In public. Oh! I dont know if this totally counts (If it doesn't I will share something else hehe) Me and this guy decided to drive around and find a place to park hehe. Well we ended up passing a golf course. So we turned around, parked on the drive up to the club house and he fucked me from behind, half in half out of the car.
Not bad, not bad... Anansi, you're up next!
I might as well throw this in right now then so I'm not bothered.

I have never had a orgasm in public. Hell, I've never had a orgasm during sex.
Hhmm sex on a pool table during a party while a number of guests were in the next room and downstairs. One girl wandered in on us while walking to the bathroom.

If that doesn't count I can talk about the most public. 2 or 3 am, marriot marquis hotel by times square, fucked a girl in a glass elevator
Raziel99 said:
I might as well throw this in right now then so I'm not bothered.

I have never had a orgasm in public. Hell, I've never had a orgasm during sex.

*falls over and dies*

Poor poor boy!
Anansi said:
Hhmm sex on a pool table during a party while a number of guests were in the next room and downstairs. One girl wandered in on us while walking to the bathroom.

If that doesn't count I can talk about the most public. 2 or 3 am, marriot marquis hotel by times square, fucked a girl in a glass elevator
Impressive! I think that's everyone. Ruby, why don't you fire off the next question?
Anansi said:
Hhmm sex on a pool table during a party while a number of guests were in the next room and downstairs. One girl wandered in on us while walking to the bathroom.

If that doesn't count I can talk about the most public. 2 or 3 am, marriot marquis hotel by times square, fucked a girl in a glass elevator

That last part was hot!
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