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Hot and bothered

I like the first one best I think. Although I DO love striped thigh-highs... x3
Well, I have my school girl top, plaid hot topic skirt with chains and buckles. Knee high leather, buckled boots. Thigh high black and red striped stockings. Collars, wrist collars, arm bands, leather jackets, leather corset tops, etc.


Sorry Anj, couldn't help it...
Perhaps the boys are offering the wrong things to get you to show? Perhaps they should offer themselves. *evil laugh*
I'm not sure that would work, either, just with the fact that I'm in love with someone. ^^;;

Tell you what though, I'll think about taking a picture XD
Anjeru said:
I have to admit in my goth attire, I do feel really sexy.

Thats how I feel when I throw on a pinstripped tight skirt, a button blouse, with a few buttons undone *winks* and I throw my hair up in a bun.

*puts on the geek glasses*
Rubyliday said:
Thats how I feel when I throw on a pinstripped tight skirt, a button blouse, with a few buttons undone *winks* and I throw my hair up in a bun.

*puts on the geek glasses*[/color]

O.O Hello!
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