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Hot and bothered

Bah, I can't say I've ever really felt like that... I find myself to be very average aesthetically speaking.
Kaziel said:
Rubyliday said:
Thats how I feel when I throw on a pinstripped tight skirt, a button blouse, with a few buttons undone *winks* and I throw my hair up in a bun.

*puts on the geek glasses*

O.O Hello!

Hehe I actually wore it to work once. Poor truck drivers
How about... do followers profess their admiration by calling him Sex God? *raises eyebrow*
Raziel99 said:
Kaziel said:
*blush* Um... thanks. ^^ Though I hate my own writing... I just feel like I could do more... Feels like my two biggest flaws are that I don't feel descriptive enough, plus I... umm... run out of different terms for... ah... certain body parts. *blushes again* I hate repeating the same word over and over again. Reeks of being unimaginative.
name one of those parts. I'll give you 5

*puts on geek classes* Would you mind giving me a few alternative, brief utterances to Male and Female genitalia?
Rubyliday said:
Raziel99 said:
Kaziel said:
*blush* Um... thanks. ^^ Though I hate my own writing... I just feel like I could do more... Feels like my two biggest flaws are that I don't feel descriptive enough, plus I... umm... run out of different terms for... ah... certain body parts. *blushes again* I hate repeating the same word over and over again. Reeks of being unimaginative.
name one of those parts. I'll give you 5

*puts on geek classes* Would you mind giving me a few alternative, brief utterances to Male and Female genitalia?

Male: Length, member, shaft, hardness, erection
Female: Slit, fount, channel, furrow, wetness
unisex: Sex, desire,

some of these just if you want to be vague.
Anansi said:
Male: Length, member, shaft, hardness, erection
Female: Slit, fount, channel, furrow, wetness
unisex: Sex, desire,

some of these just if you want to be vague.

I love the ones you did for female... but fount?
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