Hot and bothered

Kaziel said:
*blush* Um... thanks. ^^ Though I hate my own writing... I just feel like I could do more... Feels like my two biggest flaws are that I don't feel descriptive enough, plus I... umm... run out of different terms for... ah... certain body parts. *blushes again* I hate repeating the same word over and over again. Reeks of being unimaginative.
name one of those parts. I'll give you 5
Kaziel said:
*blush* Um... thanks. ^^ Though I hate my own writing... I just feel like I could do more... Feels like my two biggest flaws are that I don't feel descriptive enough, plus I... umm... run out of different terms for... ah... certain body parts. *blushes again* I hate repeating the same word over and over again. Reeks of being unimaginative.

It is hard sometimes. And I understand what you mean, I have days where I feel the same. *ruffles his hair* Sometimes I feel like I use too many...common words. Like, not big enough? Sorta. Not sure how I should describe it. Lol.

@Ruby: Nah, not at all. XD I do it sometimes, too.
At times the vulgar words work, but usually that's when I'm doing scenes which are vulgar by their own nature. Non-con scenes for example, using words that aren't more... cultured (you know... for when I'm writing my ERPs, I'm the epitome of high class... o_O), but most of the time I do stay away from them.
'Tis totally true though! Although I'm sure Anji has her dirty thoughts still. >.> She's just good at oppressing it. -Nod- -Nod- :3
I think some of the appeal is that we know the dirty is there, beneath that super cute exterior.
Raziel99 said:
*waits for Ruby to post, pulls out the handcuffs and tanto's*

*shivers and runs off to do just that, looking back over my shoulder*
@Ruby: Good! I'm glad! ^_^ *huggles*

@Kaziel: Yes, I can be very dirteh :3

@Zalvek: I supress pretty good, yeah. Probably cuz I'm self-conscious.
Some people..have no purpose..but I think we all serve a purpose..if only just to exist as punishment to others..
Anj is suppressing her dirty thoughts! :O *starts chanting* Freedom! Equality! Dirty thoughts are thoughts too! They should be free just like all other thoughts! *repeats, carrying a sign*
D'aw, you have no need to be self-conscious though! >.< You're so pretty!

Although now I am really tempted to start making more and more suggestive avies and siggies just for you. ; 3
Kaziel said:
Anj is suppressing her dirty thoughts! :O *starts chanting* Freedom! Equality! Dirty thoughts are thoughts too! They should be free just like all other thoughts! *repeats, carrying a sign*
*Joins the newly formed picket line*
*Goes off to join the ranks of the freaks who suspect they could never love anyone*
Anjeru said:
Don't let my dirty thoughts free!
I'm very self-conscious, even of my writings. XD
*appears behind her with a stone wall behind me and some very sensitive toys for her*
Be dirty! <3 <3 C'mon! Everyone's doing it... *gets into his trenchcoat and holds out one side like a dealer* C'mon... all your friends are already... you should be one of the cool kids.

Raziel99 said:
Anjeru said:
Don't let my dirty thoughts free!
I'm very self-conscious, even of my writings. XD
*appears behind her with a stone wall behind me and some very sensitive toys for her*

Anj I would run.... NOW!
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