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Hot and bothered

*giggles* I am going to be a park ranger.

*ears flatten against head* We have to do genetics this semester and Im scared.
Spyder Pyresphere said:
Rubyliday said:
My dear, the more you post like that, the more jealous I am of your computer chair. *chuckles*

Im afraid I might have to start putting a towel under me *blushes*
Aw, my poor girl. *nuzzles*[/quote]
Maybe you should try a rp with me.
Spyder Pyresphere said:
You are speaking to me about such matters? *chuckles* Not unless you're wishing me to play a female character.
Haha. I forgot you were a male, from reading what you were saying to Ruby. nevermind.
Anjeru said:
He does have a way with words.
Just wait until we get to the kinky stuff.

Hell, just wait until I can finish your story. -.- I'm so sorry for taking so long, by the way.
Raziel99 said:
Anjeru said:
He does have a way with words.
Just wait until we get to the kinky stuff.

Hell, just wait until I can finish your story. -.- I'm so sorry for taking so long, by the way.
It's alright.

Having a roleplay partner that can match me, makes me happy enough.
Anjeru said:
Raziel99 said:
Anjeru said:
He does have a way with words.
Just wait until we get to the kinky stuff.

Hell, just wait until I can finish your story. -.- I'm so sorry for taking so long, by the way.
It's alright.

Having a roleplay partner that can match me, makes me happy enough.
I admit, I'm not exactly matching your type of description. But I try.
I try too hard, lol.
I use roleplaying to better my writing technique.
Plus I read like...way too much.
Anjeru said:
I try too hard, lol.
I use roleplaying to better my writing technique.
Plus I read like...way too much.
Trust me, You don't have to try too hard with me.
You say that like it's a bad thing, Anj. ^^ Being a good RP partner is never a bad thing. ^_~
Anjeru said:
I try too hard, lol.
I use roleplaying to better my writing technique.
Plus I read like...way too much.

I am the same way! Nothing makes me happier then a well written RP.
@Raziel: It's more out of habit, lol.

@Kaziel: Yeah! I've read some of your's! Your writing is very good!

@Ruby: I know, right! :D
Haha when I write a really good one, I just sit back and feel smug, perhaps read it again, does that make me vain?
*blush* Um... thanks. ^^ Though I hate my own writing... I just feel like I could do more... Feels like my two biggest flaws are that I don't feel descriptive enough, plus I... umm... run out of different terms for... ah... certain body parts. *blushes again* I hate repeating the same word over and over again. Reeks of being unimaginative.
Kaziel said:
*blush* Um... thanks. ^^ Though I hate my own writing... I just feel like I could do more... Feels like my two biggest flaws are that I don't feel descriptive enough, plus I... umm... run out of different terms for... ah... certain body parts. *blushes again* I hate repeating the same word over and over again. Reeks of being unimaginative.

I just felt like that when I was responding to you! I know, its a huge petpeve. But how much can you say without getting to the really vulgar words, and that, to me, ruins a RP. Takes it to a different, not better, level *shrugs*
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