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Hot and bothered

Zalvek said:
I know I've seen that picture somewhere before though... Just don't remember where and it's bugging me. >.<
Not sure. I got it from my usual place for signature stock. Though it's mostly full of anime images.
Raziel99 said:

I remember one where I could spring out black feather wings, and there was this topless girl that I use to like...

If this was about me, you are in sooooo much trouble, bro. :p
JosieAnna said:
Raziel99 said:

I remember one where I could spring out black feather wings, and there was this topless girl that I use to like...

If this was about me, you are in sooooo much trouble, bro. :p
If everyone hasn't noticed, I will put it out now.

Josie isn't actually my sister. I've just known her for long, and become such good friends with her that I consider her my sis.
Not to mention that Im the reason that you want to move 3+ hours west and keep Irena safe from everything. I'm responsible for LOVE!!!! Yet, I gets none. *sniffle**
JosieAnna said:
Not to mention that Im the reason that you want to move 3+ hours west and keep Irena safe from everything. I'm responsible for LOVE!!!! Yet, I gets none. *sniffle**
*hugs and ruffles your hair* Yes, you are, sis. I loves you. *hugs tighter* You'll find someone, I'm sure of it.
JosieAnna said:
I better. Or your kids are gonna be spoiled beyond rotten.
Do it. I'm sure they would like that from their Godmother. *still has to talk to Irena about it, but sure she'll agree*
Raziel99 said:
JosieAnna said:
I better. Or your kids are gonna be spoiled beyond rotten.
Do it. I'm sure they would like that from their Godmother. *still has to talk to Irena about it, but sure she'll agree*
I'm sure she will too. In fact, I'm fairly certain that she's mentioned it herself. Along with Vegas.... But that's more fantasy than actual plan at the moment....
Sometimes a series of posts and replies are so good that I can actually make a mini-porno in my head and have something healthy to wank at. It really depends on the player, and how well they describe the entire situation. I once fapped reading only how my partner gave my character a handjob. It was crazy.

I read a little about the phone sex... I've had it... it's pretty fun. It's just hard for me to talk when I'm getting close to climaxing because my voice gets all shaky. I've been told I have a generally sexy voice. Deep and with a hispanic accent.
ROOT BEER!!!!!!!!!! NEEEEEEEEEED ROOOOOOOOOOOOT BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I havent gotten a decent nights sleep in like a week. its been either 3 to 6 hours or less, a proper for me is maybe 8 or so.
Neon Boy said:
I havent gotten a decent nights sleep in like a week. its been either 3 to 6 hours or less, a proper for me is maybe 8 or so.

Whats keeping you up?
Why do you say it like that?! *cries*

No I really am! Thinking about it makes me wet.
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