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Hot and bothered

H a r r i e t said:
Pfft. Guys are lucky that way.
They can do it any time of the month.
Girls have to take a week break.
I actually envy you girls, sometimes. At least you can have multiple orgasms in a row. We require a break every now and then in order to get anything going again.
Spyder Pyresphere said:
I actually envy you girls, sometimes. At least you can have multiple orgasms in a row. We require a break every now and then in order to get anything going again.

In all of my sexual experiences.
Whether it be vanilla or BDSM wise.
I have never had an orgasm.

However, you might also take into account, that women can fake orgasms.
Men can't really do that, because we can see the evidence.
its true..... ;-) .....didn't happen the first time though....had to figure out what she liked....happened after we had been dating for a few months.....the look on her face though....she started crying.....o_O.....I though I did something wrong so I stopped and she was like "what??? why did you stop???? keep going!" and I was all "WTF????" first time a girl ever cried while it was happening.
Oh my.
I don't think I'd ever cry during an orgasm . . . well, not cry as in tears cry. xD
I hope that was just a one time thing for her, though.
If she ends up sleeping with the wrong guy, she can seriously get embarrassed by that.
Some guys are jerks like that.
H a r r i e t said:
Oh my.
I don't think I'd ever cry during an orgasm . . . well, not cry as in tears cry. xD
I hope that was just a one time thing for her, though.
If she ends up sleeping with the wrong guy, she can seriously get embarrassed by that.
Some guys are jerks like that.

she cried with a smile.
that sounds weird.....and sometimes she would and sometimes not....
so IDK.....
anyway....what to talk about now???
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