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What’s your go-to alcoholic beverage? [21+]

Depends on my mood, the way the day has gone. I like cocktails, hard liquor mixed with soda. Some brands I can drink straight but rarely do, I like wine.
Anything with peach schnapps or watermelon turns me into a girl at the club! I attempted mixology for one day at a restaurant I used to work at, but that was short-lived as the restaurant got sold off.
Hobgoblin Ale, but I can't always get it. Ditto the Blackcurrant and Apple Brandy from the Celtic Spirit Co.
Usually rum and diet but if I want a little more consistency I'll get a Carbliss (or White Claw as an absolute last resort).
My go to for hard alcohol is vodka and orange juice. Not sure what the drink is called but for me it's basically a shot of good vodka (not that Smirnoff swill) in a glass of OJ. Settles me down for the evening.

For softer alcohol, it's a toss up. Strongbow when I want cider, lagers my goto in bars, guiness stot when I want something with body. And lastly, my goto for hot summer days, a locally brewed ISA called "Hand Car." Very light and citrusy. Perfect for a hot day in the shade.
Anything sweet and fruity, I guess that makes me a bit of a basic bitch. Love me a good Blue Hawaiian. I normally make it at home with 1 oz vodka, 1oz coconut rum, 1 oz blue curacao and 2oz pineapple juice. That or a good old orange crush makes my night.
The "Fuck It Supreme";
-Serve in a tall glass
-Spritz glass with absinthe generously.
-2 Oz. Bourbon
-2 Oz Gin
-2 Oz Triple Sec
-2 Oz Licorice Liqueur
-1 Oz white Rum
-top off with your energy drink of choice.
- crush a maraschino cherry into the glass.
- drop a lit match and an ice cube into the drink.
- chug.

Edit: yes you can use Jaeger if you don't have licorice liqueur.
Stouts and porters when it comes to beer, rum and whiskey for the hard stuff. But my absolute number one these days is apple wine made by my friend. Every year I get a few bottles more than the last, and it still seems to run out in the same time...
I just got myself a bottle of Aftershock Blue! It was my favourite alcoholic drink when I was younger but is pretty rare here and I haven't had any in about 17 years. Not opened it yet but I'm excited for it when I do.
Beer wise: Irish Death or any Scotch Ale, followed by porters, dark ales, and stouts.

Liqour; Bourbon, Whiskey, Scotch: 3 fingers and two stones or a frozen glass.

Mixed: An old fashioned, preferably with bufallo trace, caramelilzed brown sugar on the orange slice, a split black cherry and splash of bitters.
a strawberry daiquiri but i add baileys to make a fun alcoholic strawberry smoothie! that seems to get a lot of surprised/amused reactions.

but anything with rum is a good time if i'm out.
Beer wise: desperados. It's one of the few beers i've had that I genuinely enjoy the taste of. Corona if I can't get it.

For something harder: Fireball and coke. Though other whiskeys are ok too with a mixer.
As for cocktails.. moscow mule, long island iced tea, 69'er are the good ones I can name off the top of my head. I've probably had a few lovely ones I can't remember the names of lol.

Now for something that will get me judged.. I like to water down wine (preferably white, but red isn't bad either) with some sparkling water.
Still love my Majestics but Malibu Baybreeze are good and so are most flavored margaritas.

Friend at work got me into Sangria Rose, in which you. Well, you can put two and two together.
Whisky Sour, 100%! In my recipe, I use macerated pineapple and a whisky old enough to drive.
In public, Sangria if available.

In private, Long Island Iced Tea. Don’t love the taste but I love the buzz.
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