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Legends of tommorow
Gotta say what the fuck when did they allow for characters to ask for sexual intercourse casually? :LOL:😲
Wheel of time.
Yeah, not fond of THE CHANGES but I'll watch. Shaddar Logoth was wow.
I'm actually rewatching the Foundation series now. I feel like there were a lot of things that I missed. so I'm up to ep 8 again. I read the books back in 9th grade, I think and I don't remember much about the books at all. So watching the series is like a whole new thing. Makes me want to go back and reread the books though. Although I have so many books that I haven't read the first time, that I doubt I'll have time to do that.

PS: I'm new here and this is my first post other than in Introductions.
Loved Foundation (didn't read won't read)

Currently finished Lost in space (love - also Debbie and Sallie), lagging in Star Wars Resistance (underwhelming), trying to watch See (too over the top), binging Dexter (one of the very few still good after the gap), finished Casa (good ending, good that it will not turn into crap)
Hopped on the new Charmed recently. Surprised that I'm really liking it. They aren't just rehashing the old plot beat for beat like I thought they would.
The Wheel of Time. I didn't expect it to be so very nostalgic for me, and it leaves me a bit impatient because it seems like it's going to take the show years to get to the best parts in the books. Many of my favourite characters haven't even appeared yet.
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