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Disconnected (1x1 w/DarkMudkip)

A shameful look crossed over her face, and she shook her head. Small feathers pushed from her skin, but then quickly sunk back beneath. “That’s... as much as I can do.” She said quietly.
Megohime climbed up onto Masamune’s back, holding onto him tightly so she wouldn’t fall off; was this change going to be permanent?
Kojurou moved behind her and Masamune took off. "It might just be your body confused on how to function with Masamune-sama's blood inside you now.." He said.
Megohime nodded, hoping that Kojurou was right, and that before long, he body would function like normal again. She rested her head forward on Masamune, the warmth from his scales threatening to pull her back to sleep, but she managed to keep her eyes open.
Megohime did end up sleeping a bit on the way there, sinking though the same inky blackness that had swallowed her up before. This time she was already greeted by the smell of blood, hanging so heavy in the air she could feel it.
Opening her eyes showed more bodies on the ground at her feet, the only thing on her mind when she looked at them was that they were traitors.
Just the sight of their faces filled her with disgust and hatred, an overwhelming feeling of negative a motion sweeping over her, so strong it was drowning her. The taste of blood was fresh in her mouth, a full feeling in her belly, it all made her sick.
"L...Lord...?" A voice called, and when she looked up, she knew that this person was from the Katakura family. Loyal. Faithful. "Did they fail to prove themselves...?"
“They were traitors.” The words came from her mouth before she could even think of what she wanted to say. She couched down, reaching out to the puddle of blood at her feet, looking down at her reflection, only it wasn’t her face that stared back. She recognized the sharp features and blue reptilian eyes that she knew so well- Masamune.
That seemed to shock her from her sleep and she saw that they were no longer flying; Kojurou was carrying her and nearly dropped her when she jerked awake. "E-Easy...!"
Megohime felt the urge to immediately sink her nails into something, but upon seeing Kojurou’s face, she calmed down slightly. “S-Sorry..” She didn’t realize she was breathing so heavily, heart beating so hard until and finally calmed down. “Just a bad dream..”
Megohime swallowed the lump in her throat, shaking her head. “It was just stuff from the compound... I’d rather not if it’s alright..” She didn’t like lying, but to tell him that she was seeing such awful images of Masamune? It sounded wrong. Why was she seeing such things? Were they real?
Megohime nodded, turning her head away to look away from him. “Thank you, Kojurou..”
“Don’t worry about me, get the kids stuff they’ll want first, a bed is plenty.” She said, taking in her new room, which was much like her old one, the same blank stone walls, a bed, and a small desk with a lamp.
Megohime only seemed to fall further mentally, spacing out more and more, spending time by herself rather than with others; he demeanor seemed like it was starting to change.
Masamune moved into her room, "Megohime?" He had grown just as comcerned as Kojurou, "You've been isolating lately, is something wrong?"
A few black feathers lay scattered on the floor, Megohime sitting in bed again, flinching when she heard Masamune’s voice behind her. She turned to look at him, fear flashing in her eyes briefly before she forced it back down. “Masamune... Y-Yeah.. I um... it’s just nightmares.”
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