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Parallel (LunarWold & GardianAngel)

Vivian was just looking over for a moment in time, although her gaze flickered towards her brother once again. She just gave a slight headshake before she spoke, "I don't believe that he shares those feelings."
Kodi chuckled "that is where you are wrong dear sister believe me on this" Kodi had seen how he watched her and while he didn't like males near her he figured he would be a good match for her
Vivian just looked towards him for a moment before she was commenting that she was pretty sure that he was crazy. After that she was brushing a few strands of hair that had fallen into her face behind the veil, away.
"maybe a little from being overworked but not in a general sense and plus I watch the two of you a lot more then you know" Kodi stretched his back a little and then looked at some of his work that had to be finished
"That is a bit creepy to know, brother dearest." Vivian was commenting after a moment in time before she was commenting that he really needed to rest as well. She was looking over towards the baby who had started to fuss a bit.
"true but I worry about you after mother and father passed and that ass pulled his stunt I needed to be certain you were safe" Kodi walked over and picked the child up settling it in his arm before heading back over to her
Vivian just looked towards Kodi for a moment in time before she spoke, "I know how to take care of myself, and you know it." With that she was just folding her arms across her chest for a moment in time. Her eyes were flickering towards her guardian for a brief moment in time before she was looking over towards the baby. Some how her brother had managed to snag up the child before his crying could wake up the slumbering female on the ground.
"that i know full well dear sister but that bastard was sneaky and could hurt you with minimal marks so I had to be observant" Kodi then looked down at the child and smiled at it ruffling its hair a little
Vivian was just looking towards her brother for a moment in time before she was just shaking her head slightly. Okay he did have a point there, kind of had a point anyways.
Vivian was just looking towards him but she didn't say anything at all, was just keeping her eyes on the ground. Good timing too consider the king was waltzing into the room. Poor Ariella was startled awake and was instantly on her feet and curtsying deeply to the man.
Kodi looked at him "hello your majesty how may I help you?" Kodi didn't stand but seeing as he had a child in his arms would explain why
"I merely came to seek out your sister, so that I could give my condolences." Zack spoke after a moment in time, although there was a hidden darkness to his tone of voice. One that had Vivian faintly shuddering a bit before she was just looking up from the ground, although kept the mournful look on her face.
"Kodi. I'm going to be borrowing your slave for a moment." Zack spoke, and soon enough he was going over and grabbing Ariella's arm, drawing her with him.
Vivian was just watching for a brief moment in time, and was just watching for a brief moment in time, a small frown on her lips. For some reason she really didn't trust the king at all, but she couldn't really say anything at that point in time.
Kodi used the one gift her hand and sent a silent projection after them that would react if needed thankfully it looked nothing like him and no one not even his sister knew he could do this
Vivian was just waiting for the king to leave before she was just giving a faint sigh and was stretching ever so slightly. "Well I suppose.... I should return to my home so that I can start planning my husband's funeral." she mumbled.
"of course viv if you need any help feel free to call me" Kodi smiled at her while he watched where the king was taking his pet.

Aranya had worked on getting her hands free from the cuff that secured her to the other grand generals bed and while she had only managed to get one lose she had cut her had up in the process
Vivian was just nodding her head before she was heading off so that she could return home. As usual her guardian was following after her. "Play the mourning widow." she was just mumbling to herself.

Where Zack ended up taking Ariella, resulted in Kodi's projection not being able to follow. A chamber that many were familiar with. A torture chamber in a way. Evidently he thought that she was far to outspoken, which meant that he was going to take care of that problem.
Well behaved, at least until that point in time. This is when she was actually fighting back against the king, to try and get away. Not that that got her anywhere, except for giving a whimper of pain when the king was backhanding her, and she was falling onto the floor. "I am curious about you.... about what you are. You aren't human, that much is for sure." the king was speaking after a moment in time.
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