Parallel (LunarWold & GardianAngel)

Soon enough the generals were taking to climbing up into their carriages, a number of the soldiers that were going with them mounting up on their horses. Ariella was merely following after Kodi, and once the carriage door was closing she was actually looking up at him, making eye contact with him for the first time in a couple of hours. "Master......" she spoke in a soft voice.

Brayden was getting the woman that was going with him up into the carriage, and giving a faint sigh. Why the hell was the king wanting them to take females with them. Especially to this particular kingdom, where women weren't treated that well.
Kodi looked at her and waited to see what she was going to ask or say.

Aranya glared at him from her seat as she was currently bound and gagged and unable to do anything for herself
Ariella just looked down at her hands before she spoke "I don't understand my purpose in coming with. I will only be a hinderance."
"sadly neither do I but when the king orders it then that is what happens and I would rather not get yelled at by him" Kodi knew he wouldn't be physically hit but he couldn't be certain of that fact either
Ariella was looking at the ground quickly and spoke "I.... I was merely w.... Wondering. I never meant to truly q... Question the kings orders. " Her hands tightened into her dress a bit, and she found that she was trembling faintly.
"do not worry about it you were asking a good question and one that has been on my mind as well" Kodi wasn't angry with her at all
It would take they a few days to arrive and after quite a few hours it seemed like they soldiers were calling a halt. It was beginning to get dark, which meant time to set up camp. Traveling through the area they were in wasn't advises, at all.
Ariella was curled up in the carriage across from Kodi, just watching out the window. She could feel the exhaustion, yet again what had occurred earlier didn't help, but she didn't dare sleep. Not without permission.
As they were doing this, Ariella found herself wandering off a bit, looking at something hidden behind the clouds. The kingdom in the sky. The angelic realm, her home. If she actually remember that. Ariella just stopped in her tracks for a moment and was just examining the kingdom when the clouds began to part. But this is also when the pain kicked in. The piercing headache that had her grabbing her head. What the hell?!
Ariella was giving a startled gasp and found herself stumbling when he was tugging her backwards. "Falling..... I remember falling....." she spoke in a low voice.
Ariella was just looking towards him for a moment before she was inclining her head. If that is what her lord ordered, then that is what she would do.

While this was happening, Brayden had taken to untying the woman that was with him. "I don't suggest trying to run, or try anything. I will not be stopping the men from attacking you if you do try to run. Nor will I stop them from punishing you should you not listen."
Kodi went to helping the men while she rested so that it didn't take too long for dinner to be started.

Aranya snarled at him but she made no move to try and escape. Aranya knew she would need to wait and bide her time
After a few hours, Ariella was waking up, although it wasn't pleasant. Probably scared a few people and the sudden scream from her. No it was a nightmare that had her jerking awake. No... Not a nightmare. A memory. She had been in the angelic realm before.... Then she had fallen. No.. Not fallen. She had been pushed. By a man. Her uncle.
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