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Parallel (LunarWold & GardianAngel)

It was a number of hours before the king would be walking into Kodi's bedroom, and telling the male that he could go and fetch his slave now. He was commenting that he had taken the liberty to punish her for entering his garden as well.
Lodi looked at him “why you said it was a warning and she hasn’t entered it since” Kodi was more then a little furious at that point
Zach just looked towards him before he was speaking, "I am the king. I decided to change my mind." After that he was turning and leaving the room, just as Brayden just happened to be walking up with Ariella. The female had her eyes on the ground, and the other male was supporting her more than not.
Kodi settled the baby in the crib that had been brought to him and then walked over and picked her up and carried her over to his bed so that she could rest
Ariella had the look of pain that formed on her features, but she didn't make much of a noise at all.
Ariella didnt react much to being laid down, at least not until the baby seemed to fuss a bit. What had her moving as though she was going to get up.
Ariella was giving a small whimper of pain at the movement and then him stopping her. Her eyes were instantly going away from him before she spoke in a soft voice "This slave apologizes to Master."
"This slave upset the king, and deserved to be punished." Ariella spoke in a soft voice, not making eye contact. She did however accept the tea, holding the cup tightly with both hands.
"no the king lost his mind he let oyu off and then decided to punish you which is not his place but arguing is pointless" Kodi watched her lighlty
Ariella didn't say anything more just took a sip of the tea. She was however tightening her grip a bit when she about dropped the cup.
If Kodi watched, he would find that Ariellas injuries seemed to be healing all on their own. And this didn't have anything to do with him either.
Ariella just took to sipping at the tea until it was gone, and from there she was allowing him to take the cup after it was all gone. Other than that she kept silent, just leaning against the pillows. More of an unintentional thing, but she was exhausted. Yet again it was understandable why she was exhausted. Yet she was pushing herself up into a sitting position once again as Brayden came striding into the room with Zach, the young woman lowering her head towards the king in a submissive manner.
"Kodi. I have a job for that of yourself and Brayden. There is an army camped towards the East. I am wanting the pair of you to go and see who they are. If they are going to lie down their loyalties to me, then they may survive. If not.... kill them all. Take your slave with you as well." Zach spoke before he was turning on his foot and leaving the room again. Even Brayden had been told that he was taking his slave with him, well the woman that the king had been playing around with and was being given to him out of the blue.
Kodi looked at Brayden and sighed "he seems to be in a mood today" Kodi then stood and started to make preparations for the journey
Brayden was giving a nod of his head before he spoke, "Oh yes he most definitely is. Also, considering he decided not to mention it, he wants us gone in a couple of hours at the most." After that he was giving a wave of his head so that he could head off and finish preparing his own stuff, and making sure that Aranya was prepared.
Ariella was silent until the king left, but after he was gone she was finally looking up before she spoke hesitantly, "M....Master....." She had various questions, although she didn't speak as she typically would with Kodi. Why did the king want the generals to takes slaves with them? All Aranya and Ariella would do was get in the way, well if there was any fighting, considering there was no way that they would be trusted with weapons.
She was a bit startled when the baby started to cry which had her slowly getting up from the bed so that she could go and pick up the child. She was gently picking up the child and craddling him to her chest.
"we will drop the baby off with my sister and she will keep him safe while we are gone" Kodi frowned at how little time they had to prepare and it made him wonder if he should tell his sister to get out of there as well
"Yes master." Ariella inclined her head submissively.

Within the next few hours the two generals were packed and ready to go. Vivian stood holding the child in her arms and assuring her brother that she would keep him safe, and that she would stay safe as well. "You guys stay safe as well. I will help how I can from here." Vivian spoke in a soft voice.
Kodi nodded is head "thank you lets hope this isn't some stupid trap or fucking test" Kodi looked at the two carriages that were waiting and frowned
"We already know that the king does love his tests." Vivian commented before she was taking a few steps away and turning to face her guardian so that they could get going.
Vivian was giving a faint chuckle and was soon enough looking towards the king as he came out, the man just wanting to be sure that the two generals were ready to leave. Although she had to wonder why on earth he would have them take slaves with them, it wasn't as though the women knew how to fight.
Ariella stayed near Kodi, her eyes on the ground as she held the edge of her dress, fiddling with it a bit.
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