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Parallel (LunarWold & GardianAngel)

Vivian just looked at her brother for a moment before she questioned, "Why do I feel angel magic around here?"
Kodi looked at her and shook his head sharply telling her silently to shut it. Kodi needed time to figure things out and he didn't need the king on an angel hunt
Vivian was just raising an eyebrow but was soon enough brushing it aside. "Lady Vivian. You can't just be running off without telling somebody!" came the voice of one of her own personal bodyguard, who came up out of nowhere. Yeah Vivian was married to a bastard that didn't even love her, and slept with every woman that he could find. And the bodyguard, who had actually been chosen by Kodi to make sure that she stayed safe. "Oh so now the bastard is concerned for my safety." Vivian was mumbled although Kodi would probably see the depressed look in her eyes. And it wasn't as though she could have avoided the marriage, it had been arranged by Zack after her husband had violated her before their marriage. Tainting her. Truth was that she more had feelings for her body guard.
Kodi gave a knowing smile and then spoke "dear sister would you please check my pet over as well as the child she cares for while I aid his majesty" Kodi needed her somewhere secure and knowing full well that if the king saw her go in when the news came it would keep her in the clear
Vivian was giving a small nod of her head, although it was a bit evident that she was rather confused. After that she was heading off into the room, closing the door behind her. She was going over to Ariella and explaining why she was there. Checking both her and the child over. Good thing Vivian was a rather talented doctor as well.
while they were all busy tending to what had happened in the castle an assassin was slipping a potent poison in to her husbands drink when he wasn't looking so that his life would end and she would be free
Zack was just speaking with some of his advisors, and a few of his other generals. He had decided that he was going to take a break from fucking his slave, in fact he had allowed some of his soldiers to do that themselves.
Zack was just looking at the piece of news that he was being handed, which had him frowning. Already he was ordering one of his guards to go and find Vivian, wanting to question her about it.
"my lord my sister in is with my pet and the child she has been there for the last hours and before that she was torturing some prisoners" Kodi frowned a little acting as if he was concered
"What" Kodi looked at the king shocked while inside her was rejoicing that the male was indeed gone and his sister was free from the male
Zack was just giving a sigh before he was mumbling under his breath that this ruined the alliance that had been built between them and that man's family. "It would be wise for your sister to begin dressing as the grieving widow, least she be labeled a whore."
"I will have black brought to my chambers immediately my king so she can change" Kodi was pleased that the legal grieving period was six months to to prove she was truly sorry he was gone he would urge her to dress in black for a year
Zack was inclining his head before he was commenting that hopefully she had a suitable guard with her as well, especially considering there were a number of men that would end up going after her. When Kodi would go back to his room, he would find that Vivian was in his lab looking through his notebook, which logged all of his experiments, which wasn't unusual. Ariella was curled up on the floor next to the baby, who was laying on a blanket that had been laid on the floor. Both of them were fast asleep.
Kodi had assured him that she did and when he walked in he spoke softly "viv you need to put this on for me" Kodi held the black out to her hte look on his face saying that it wasn't optional"
Vivian was most definitely confused but she was changing into the black dress anyways. Oh these were the typical dresses that women wore when they were in mourning. Which had her even more confused at the time.
once she was changed and settled Kodi spoke "your husband was murdered a short while ago you are now a widow but i have to stress that you stay in morning for a year dear sister"
Vivian was just looking towards Kodi when he was telling her the news. This had her coughing a bit startled by the news, but she was giving a nod of her head. "Why for a year?" she inquired.
Kodi lowered his voice so only she could hear "no one must suspect that you were anything but a loving wife so a year gives that illusion"
Vivian just looked towards Kodi for a moment before she was letting out a huff of air before she was mumbling, "Fine fine." After that she was pulling on the veil that had been given to her as well. A normal thing for the widow to wear the same day that they learned of their husband's death.
Vivian was reading the message for a moment although her attention was soon turning towards the infant as he started to scream and cry. The female that was laying next to him was awake in a start and gently taking him up into her arms. "I have always wanted a child. But my former husband never wanted any." Vivian spoke in a rather sad tone.
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