Parallel (LunarWold & GardianAngel)

Ariella just had her arms wrapped around her, her hair covering her face. If Kodi could sensesgic, that is probably when he would be able to feel her a more. Part if that seal had begun to shatter more, her powers leaking out. Enough to defend herself if needed, but not much more than that.
Ariella was startled by him touching her but she didn't draw away. "It felt like it was a dream, but I know it wasn't. I was in the sky kingdom.... Before my own uncle pushed him. My magic was sealed away prior to that. But otherwise.... I don't know anything more."
Ariella was just looking at him for a moment but she was giving a small nod of her head. She was shivering slightly although it was more of that breeze down the back shiver if anything.
"High General. Something was spotted in the distance, and it moves closer." one of the soldiers was speaking from the other side of the carriage door. This was around the same time that a rather loud growl was heard from somewhere.
This had the soldier nodding before he was looking over towards where Brayden was walking back towards the camp, having gone off to see what was all around them. Ariella was cautiously following Kodi out of the carriage and just looking off around them for a brief moment in time. All around them were trees, and the growl sounded like it was close, but it was hard to tell where it came from.
Before Kodi could really react she was darting forward towards a couple of the soldiers who had gone off nearby and took to gathering berries from nearby bush. She was batting them away from them and spoke, "Don't eat those! They are poisonous!"
"You are a fucking slave, you have no right to tell us what we can and cannot do." one of the soldiers spoke in a harsh voice, and was actually backhanding Ariella. Or at least he was going to, until Brayden had caught his hand with ease. "This slave is not yours to touch. She belongs to High General Kodi, and her punishments are for him to decide." he spoke in a harsh voice. Ariella was just watching for a moment before she was pointing towards a different bush. "If you want berries, eat those." she spoke before she was turning and retreating back over to Kodi quickly, and bowing to him, apologizing.
“It’s is fine” Kodi then walked over and back handed the male “my slave works in my gardens and those berries happen to be in my garden as well as they make for a nice paralytic poison so please eat them if you want to be left here to die”
Ariella just watched although found herself cringing a bit when the man got backhanded. She felt at fault for him getting hurt. Everything was quiet for a brief moment then there was a scream from somebody. Seemed like the creature had decided to strike. Oh it was more than one actually. Ariella found her breath catching in her throat at the growl behind her and she was turning around slowly. It was a rather large wolf, but obviously not the average wolf.
Already Brayden was sending a guard to get Aranya to somewhere safer.
The wolf just growled at the male when he came forward, eyes just locked on Ariella. 'Princess of the Angelic Realm. Rumors have gone around that you we're dead.' The Wolf's thought drifted througg her head, which had her going wide eyed. Kodi would find that he could hear it, but only because she was touching him.
Ariella just watched for a moment in time but she was silent. Brayden watched what was happening, watching as the wolves seemed to calm a bit. He also watched as the female that had been holding onto the back of Kodi's shirt was letting go, and was just seemingly to randomly collapse.
Brayden just watched for a moment before telling the soldiers to stand down. After that he was watching the wolves turn to leave as well.
Soon night turned into day once again and Brayden was the first one up, calling out orders to the soldiers. There were already some that were up and starting on breakfast so that they could have something to eat before they started on their journey again. Ariella was still curled up in the carriage when the sun rose, and this is when she was also rousing. Golden eyes were blinking open and she was just sitting up slowly, looking around for a brief moment in time. She didn't remember what had happened but she did know that she felt different from yesterday.
Kodi looked at her from where he was sitting and watched her closely. Kodi had woken up the same time as brayden but he hadn’t left his carriage
Ariella was just looking towards where Kodi was at for a moment in time, and was wondering why he was staring at her.
Ariella was just looking at him before she spoke in a soft voice, explaining what she knew about herself now. Well some memories came back but trying to remember resulted in a headache forming.
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