Parallel (LunarWold & GardianAngel)

Vivian was just giving a smile before she was questioning Aranya if she minded if she chatted with her. Or just hung out with her in general. "Greg is training and while I trust you, I know these people are loyal to you, I feel a bit uncomfortable."
Vivian was smiling and following after her. Sure she knew Aranya was just going to be doing work, and that didn't bother Vivian at all.
Vivian was sitting down in the chair and was just commenting that this whole being pregnant thing was rather tiresome.
Aranya chuckled "just wait though soon you'll get to hold your babies and then this whole thing will be worth the months of them kicking you"
Vivian was just giving a smaller giggle before she was commenting that she was afraid that she wasn't going to be a good mom.
Vivian was giving a faint smile before she was leaning back in the chair. "I feel like everything is slowly becoming a mess. "
"that it is but in time things will settle and go back to normal" Aranya looked at her and then leaned back and spoke "me and Ari both agree that one they have fallen that you and Greg would make good rulers of the human kingdom"
Vivian was giving a faint chuckle before she was commenting that she certainly hoped that was the case. After that she was letting out a breath before she spoke, "I don't want to be a burden on you guys when the fighting starts. Ariella suggested that I speak to you about a guardian. I have one assigned from her as well."
Aranya nodded her head "I can do that I will take some time to find a proper guard for you" Aranya saw the spirits and wondered if they could protect her and her children as well but she would have to ask them later
“I know your not but if you want you can help with the shoulders training to make sure they are up to par” Aranya knew it was better then nothing
Vivian was commenting that she could do that, she had been helping out earlier. Well with those working with the spear since that was her preferred weapon.
Vivian was just looking for a moment before she spoke, "I wouldn't say that I've had a lot going on. Truly I haven't had all that much going on."
"you have been busy though I know this because my staff tells me you are all over the place" Aranya frowned when she looked over a couple papers and then set them aside so that she could dig deeper in to them later
Vivian was just looking for a moment in time before she was commenting, "I dislike being idle I suppose, and I want to be useful. While I can anyways. Yes I know that thanks to a succubus I don't have to worry about having a miscarriage but at the same time.... I don't always trust magic. It isn't always reliant."
"never doubt a succubus life and birth are their life and they will give up their life to save your childs" Aranya smiled but she understood Vivians concern
Vivian was just looking over before she was commenting that she wasn't doubting necessarily, she was just highly uneasy. Yet again... that wasn't uncommon for a mother to be uneasy about something like that, especially a first time mother.
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