Parallel (LunarWold & GardianAngel)

A few days had gone past since the girls had come back, and in those few days they hadn't often been seen. Evidently that journey had been quite taxing on the both of them. But they had found the armors and were now sitting in the meeting room discussing stuff over with each other. This is when Ariella was proposing her idea to Aranya's generals, and that of her own. The generals were the elite of the elite. "One of my generals would become the personal guardian of Queen Aranya, and vise versa. This will show others that the demons and angels are in co-existence. And this way we are also always all in the loop. Any conversation between angels can be relayed to the demons through Aranya's guardian, and vise versa." Ariella was speaking as she leaned back in her seat.
Aranya nodded her head "I agree this would be a good opportunity for both races to grow more and learn more about the other I know many of you may not like this option but I feel this would be the best bet for both kingdoms and it would assure each of us that the other is protected at all times
This had Ariella giving a nod of her head before she was looking towards her generals to see what they had to say about it. There was one who was raising their hand, what appeared to the younger of the generals, yet a powerful warrior all at the same time. It would seem that he was offering to stand at Aranya's side, and was rising to his feet. "I am Valion, m'lady." the male was speaking.
Aranya looked at him and then nodded "its a pleasure to meet you" Aranya then looked at one of her generals when he volunteered to stand by Ari's side
Ariella was inclining her head in greeting to the demon general before she was looking towards Aranya. "Valion may not look it, but he is quite the talented fighter. You are in good hands."
Ariella was just blinking for a moment before she was questioning, "Whose back?" This had her blinking for a moment before she was just looking over to see what she was looking at.
“Unless you don’t see them the spirits from the temple are back” Aranya didn’t know if she could see them or not and if not she was going to scream
Ariella was just blinking for a moment in time before she was commenting that she could see them.... she just didn't think that they were dangerous or anything.
Ariella was just looking for a brief moment before she was giving a nod of her head. Yeah that was probably a good idea.
Ariella watched as everybody left before she was letting out a slow breath before looking towards the shadows.
Ariella was just watching them for a moment in time before she was questioning, "And what duty is that exactly?"
"to stop the end of life as it is known every generation there is a ying and yang born and if they fail to protect this life time they become bound to the armor that can never be destroyed" Aranya looked at Ari and frowned slightly
Ariella was just tilting her head for a brief moment in time before she questioned, "And what are we suppose to be fighting against?"
Ariella was just giving a small sigh before she was commenting that that wasn't a whole lot to go on. "So let me get this straight.... We are more or less the protectors of the world.... defending all life as we know it from something.... that we have no idea what we are fighting against. Sounds like a wonderful thing." she was mumbling.
“Yep and it suck if you fail you die if you die you failed” the spirits shrugged “although being that your both female you may have a better chance at surviving”
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