Parallel (LunarWold & GardianAngel)

Vivian was just looking towards him before she spoke, "We both know that I'm not actually. You are matching your pace with mine." She was however side stepping to avoid the sword, and was just holding up her staff in that "surrender" motion almost. Damn morning sickness and wanting to kick in, at least the queasy feeling anyways.
Vivian was giving a faint smile before she was looking towards the trainees, a few of them questioning who had won the sparring. "It was a tie." was all one of the elite guards spoke although one of the trainees was stating that she had surrendered. Vivian didn't seem to be paying attention to their words at all, was just looking at Greg and stating that she was going to dismiss herself for a bit.
"go ahead love" Greg then turned to them "she didn't surrender as she is expecting it is understood that if she is starting to feel ill that we stop" Greg looked them all over his eye firm and deliberate
Vivian was giving a faint smile before she was giving him a gentle kiss, before she was heading off so that she could go and rest for a bit. Although she was pausing for a brief moment in time before she spoke, "They are returning."
Greg nodded his head " ok then I am glad they are making it back safe and sound" Greg knew she had been worried about them and would relax now that they are back
Vivian was just sitting on the ground in the bathroom when he came into the room, just resting her head on the cabinet of the sink. No she had in fact gotten sick and now just didn't want to get up again, not until that queasy feeling went away.
"I did a bit but not much. Just more feel super queasy." Vivian was mumbling before she was going to get to her feet.
Vivian was just commenting that she was just going to stay there for a bit long, at least until her stomach settled a bit more.
Vivian was just giving a small nod of her head before she was questioning him if he could get her a glass of water.
Vivian just sipped at the water slowly before she was rinsing her mouth, and spitting the water out into the toilet. That taste had been absolutely disgusting.
Vivian was giving a nod of her head before she spoke, "A little bit yeah." With that she was commenting that she was ready to get up from the floor, it was rather cold.
Vivian was just wrapping her arms around his neck gently, and was resting her head against his chest. It wasn't long though before there was a knock on the door and a maid was letting them know that Aranya and Ariella had returned safely.
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