Parallel (LunarWold & GardianAngel)

Ariella was just studying them for a brief moment in time before a rather devious smirk formed on her lips. "And how do you know this? We could already be madly in love with each other. It isn't uncommon for the same sex to fall in love." she was speaking after a moment in time. No she wasn't saying that she was in love with Aranya.... yes she did love her but it was more of that sisterly love. But she was merely proving a point.
“We are connected as we are your past lives. That and you don’t don’t seek comfort from each other with out thinking” The male spirit spoke this time
Ariella was just shrugging before she spoke, "Sure we will fight to protect the world from..... who knows what. Not like we have anything better to do."
The male chuckled “my love was killed by a blow to her head so she doesn’t remember what we were fighting but as for your life time I cannot say what you will face”
Ariella was just commenting, "Now that I think about it..... I feel like I have a pretty good idea. And it has something to do with King Zack."
Ariella was just sighing before she spoke, "Well honestly I'm hoping that will be the case, because killing two birds with one stone would be great."
The male chuckled “let us hope that is the case but be warned your powers will grow and as they do you will need someone to be your rock that can help you master them”
Ariella was just looking for a brief moment in time before she was commenting, "And what if we were to decide to not have that somebody. I have nobody that I trust enough to be my rock except for Aranya, Greg, and Vivian."
“Then You will lose control my pervious life did not have one and his powers grew out of control he killed his own wife when that happened along with himself” the snake sighed lightly at the memory
"Why didn't you use your wife as that rock?" Ariella commented before she stated that she figured that she was just dying then, but before that did happen she was going down with a fight.
Ariella was just stating that that definitely made sense and after that she was just waving them off so that they could go and do whatever. She was looking towards Aranya for a moment before she questioned, "So what do you think?"
Aranya looked at her and frowned a little “I think we need to be a whole lot more careful then we were before” Aranya did t want to be come bound to a set of armor
Ariella was just folding her hands behind her head before she spoke "But we both know... Neither of us are like that. We have to be in on the action. And now we have to find that... stone to rely on."
“We will figured it out Ari we always do and for all we know it could be referring to a close friend or a lover we will have to see” Aranya didn’t like it either but she knew they had to
Ariella was giving a nod of her head before she was commenting that she was going to go to the archery range. Sure some of the guards were there training, but it wasn't as though she would be a bother. "Our guardians. What if they were to become our rocks." She suggested after a O ment in time.
Aranya looked at her "that would require a lot of trust on our ends as well I say for now we wait and get to know them before doing something so big"
Ariella was looking over before she spoke, "Oh trust me I realize that. And I don't trust easily, I have never been able to trust easily."
Brayden was currently in the bedroom that he had been allowed to use, asleep at the time. Perhaps because his days and nights were definitely flipped. With Zack he had done the patrols at night versus during the day.
Hearing that he was Asleep Aranya nodded her head and left him alone as she didn’t want to bother him while he was sleeping. Instead she went to her office to work
"He did inform us to wake him at a certain time. He is working to change that schedule. So that he is a wake with everybody else." Came the familiar voice of Vivian as she walked up, giving a light smile to Aranya
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