Parallel (LunarWold & GardianAngel)

Ariella was heading off inside the temple, a faint shudder passing through her as they entered. She looked around for a bit before she was pointing in a seemingly random direction for them to go to.
Ariella continued through the ruins, although she kept her eyes out for anything out the usual. Yet it didn't seem like there was anything within the walls of the ruins. It just seemed to be outside... for reasons she couldn't even decipher.
“Weird” Aranya looked around and when she looked closely at the walls she noticed a story going from the very first and heard down time
Ariella was just pausing for a brief moment before she was speaking something to herself, and just looking around. More than likely trying to figure out where to go next. Although it wasn't long before the shadows around them seemed to come to life, dancing around them.
Ariella was giving a shake of her head before she was speaking, "I cannot control shadows." She was just looking around although she didn't feel anything dangerous at that point. The shadows seemed to wrap around them, almost guiding them to where they were needing to go, leading them to the armors. Protecting them from whatever else may have been in the ruins.

A few hours ended up passing since the pair had ended up leaving, and it was Vivian who seemed to slowly be getting more and more on edge. She found herself nibbling on a nail a bit, just gazing out the window in the general direction that they had gone off into. No the corruption could be felt, it had always been something that could be felt. Yet it seemed a lot stronger than usual; not a pleasant feeling at all. And the other two weren't back yet; there seemed to be no sign of them at all. Most definitely had her quite concerned. A small breath escaped her lips and she was just drawing the blanket that she had around her shoulders more tightly around herself, before her eyes were flickering towards where her mate was training in the field with some of the others.
Greg moved and put the soldiers through their paces getting them up to speed. Greg was worried as well but he needed to make sure that the men were up speed and in shape.

Aranya walked with her as they followed the shadows and looked around
Eventually Vivian was deciding to venture down to the training grounds, and was just watching the soldiers as they trained for a brief moment. Who would have figured that she would be correcting stances, and giving off a few suggestions, to make their blows faster and harder all at once.
Vivian trained with some of the newer ones as well, showing them easier ways to hold their weapons, especially those that were struggling. Yet again it was quite obvious that she wasn't somebody who fought using a sword at all. Her grip on the sword was weaker, but she could still show them how to grip it properly.
"That isn't how you hold a sword." one of the trainees was commenting which had Vivian looking over before she was chuckling then commenting, "You are correct but.... One has to adapt to what suits them the most. Yet again.... I am not a sword wielder at all. I know the basics of using a sword, but all the fancy footwork and fighting that some of the others do.... that isn't me at all." Now if you put a spear in her hand.... that was a completely different story. She became a totally different person.
Greg walked over and kissed the side of her head lightly before flipping his sword in his hand his grip light as if it was going to fall out of his hand at any moment
Vivian was looking at him gently, a faint smile on her lips before she was speaking, "If you are truly wanting to learn the art of wielding a sword.... you are better off looking to others. But if you want to learn the spear.... I am a master at that." While sword wielding was her weakness, she excelled at the spear, it was the opposite for Greg. Each of their strengths were the others weakness, which balanced it all out.
“You feel up for a spar my love your spear against my sword?” They would move to wooden so as not to hurt one another not with her expecting but a spar was always good for them to keep in practice.
Vivian was just looking at him before she spoke, "I wouldn't mind a spar. But just keep in mind.... I'm not moving as swiftly as I usually do." No even with her being a human.... she had been able to keep up with the others when sparring in the past. She had constantly trained herself so that she could keep up with them, so that she could go up against them. Vivian had made a name for herself, although now with being pregnant... her speed wasn't quite up to par. Sure she could still move quickly, but not quite as quickly. Especially now that she was further along.
"I know love I will be sure that I don't go too hard for you" Greg smiled and then switched out their weapons for wooden ones so that they didnt get hurt
Vivian was just giving a faint chuckle before she was taking the staff, which is what she usually used during sparring when she didn't have her spear. Mind as well be the same thing, just without the sharp part.
Vivian was giving a nod as she was twirling the staff and spoke, "Always." Soon enough the trainees just found themselves watching as the two sparred with each other. Even some of the elite guards were pausing in what they were doing so that they could watch the pair of them, a few of them making comments that they were shocked that she could keep up with him. Although they didn't seem to realize that he was matching his pace with hers, even if it wasn't too much slower than his normal pace.
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