Parallel (LunarWold & GardianAngel)

the older man nodded "we have several good archers here as well I won't say no to you helping but I would rather keep the a secret while the current king may say that you are an archer the soldiers unless they saw you won't believe him and we can use that to our advantage"
Ariella just looked over before she was speaking, "They wouldn't even necessarily know that it was me. I can hide myself well enough." Wear some of the usual archer's gear, hood covering her features. Nobody would know any different.
Ariella was just letting out a breath of air before she spoke, "I am helping, and that is final." No she wasn't giving a choice in the matter. She wasn't sitting on the side lines, and if they had a problem with it, she wasn't needing their help at all.
Mark spoke "that is not what we were discussing there is a legend about two sets of armor that protect their wearer from all harm so long as they and they alone tend ot it and care for it but it would be a test and journey that you and Aranya would have to under take as I know my daughter will insist on helping out "
Ariella was just listening for a brief moment in time before she was running her fingers through her hair. The flower wrapped around her arms almost seemed to be whispering to her which had her just touching the petals for a moment.
"this would allow you to join the battle and ease our minds as well" Mark was worried that if something happened that the angelic kingdom would fall all together
Ariella was just looking over before she spoke, "My little companion here states that we will not have to search as far as one believes."
"Aranya is asleep." Ariella was commenting as she was gently stroking the petals of the flower before she was commenting that the journey wasn't going to be all that difficult.
Mark nodded his head "there are two sets and you two are the queen of the demons and then future queen of the angels you should both have one"
Ariella was just watching him leave before she was leaving that room and just looking around for a brief moment in time. No she was alright with meeting the others, she was wanting to meet others.
After a few hours, Ariella finally found herself wandering back towards the palace. Nope she had spent a number of hours speaking with the angels, yet now she was off to seek out Aranya. The sooner that they went to find the armor, the better for the both of them. Since Aranya was dealing with the same issue that Ariella was dealing with, nobody wanting her to actually be right there on the front lines of the battlefield. Yet again they were the rulers, and if they both fell.... well things were going to fall into some disarray.
Ariella was walking towards Aranya before she was commenting to her about the armor that was waiting for them to claim. And she was commenting that she knew where to look. And they would be able to join in the battle, and actually assist their people, instead of relying on their people to do all of the work. "Aranya.... There is something that I want to do for each of us. I want us to each have a guard but.... Your guard would be an angel while mine would be a demon. So that we can show everybody that angels and demons do get along. And this way if you are in trouble I'll know, and vise versa."
Aranya looked at her and then nodded her head "let us get this armor first and then we can think about guards and who would suit the others best" Aranya wanted to be certain that her choice would protect her no matter what
Ariella was giving a nod of her head before she spoke, "Actually the armors are here in the demon lands. Although far to the South, in that empty wasteland." From rumors that she had heard, all those that entered there were never seen again. Vile creatures roamed throughout the area, killing anybody who stepped into their territory. Yet she had no idea if it was true or not, about the creatures anyways. She could definitely believe it about how people just seemed to never be seen again.
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