Parallel (LunarWold & GardianAngel)

"he was not the only one hurt Ari you had two guards as did my daughter one of the angelic realm and one of the demonic realm they were tasked with guarding you you demonic guard was killed in the line and then you were lost to us all, we will help you get your kingdom back do no doubt that " Mark looked at the pendants he held and then handed her one
"these were crafted by the first set you will hold the one marked for the demonic clan and Aranya will hold the one for the angelic clan this allows you two to be in constant contact without stressing your powers but also give you protection as well" Mark then smiled and told her if she wanted to see the angels they needed to get going
Ariella was nodding before she was allowing the vine around her arm to wrap around the pendant, securing it for the time being.
Mark approached a barrier and with her hand still in his he walked through it. Once she passed through she would feel a sense of calm spread over her
Ariella was just looking around for a brief moment as they passed through the barrier. While she felt the calmness... She also had that at home feeling.
Ariella was just watching for a brief moment in time although it wasn't long before she was letting go of Mark's hand, just wandering away from him. "It feel so.... free here.... It reminds me a lot of home...."
Ariella was just looking over for a moment in time before she was just walking along, examining a few things that were around her. Although her attention was going mostly towards a couple of flowers that were growing. The only one of their kind, and separate from all the others.
Ariella was just examining some of the flowers before she was giggling softly. Soon enough she was commenting"Well let's go talk to people I guess."
Mark chuckled "we just have to speak with the leader he is the oldest of the group and they don't act unless he is ok with it when it comes to aiding others outside of this communitity
Mark walked her into the building where an older man sat and when he looked up his eyes widened "well I'll be I never thought I would see the day where our princess would return to us"
Ariella was just looking around as she walked and soon enough her eyes were going towards that of the elderly man was sitting and he was speaking. This had her just tilting her head a bit. It was still going to take some getting use to.
the man chuckled "do not fret my dear I was one of your fathers guards when he fell I was tasked with getting you to safety sadly I was unable to complete that assignment"
"in time you will child I can see already that the shroud blocking your mind is fading" this had the male looking at mark "I am assuming she came in to contact with the wielder of death"
Ariella was just tilting her head for a moment before she spoke, "Sometimes.... things happen for a reason." She was just giving a faint smile before she was seeming to wander away from them a bit, and crouching next to a plant that was nearby. A dying plant. Honestly she could weep from the pain that was feeling, just reaching out to gently touch it before she spoke, "I plan to overthrow my uncle."
"I assumed so and by wielder of death my dear I mean your opposite you wield life itself and and in some cases with plants you also wield death your counterpart wield death like a long lost friend but same as you with plants she has the ability to wield life" the angel watched her lightly
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