Parallel (LunarWold & GardianAngel)

"I'm fine. If you are looking for Vivian she was sitting over by the fountain." Ariella was speaking as she was pointing.
"It is fine. Truly it is fine. Was complaining about bonds and Aranya decided to sever ours even though I said not to worry about it. It had been forced at first... Pressured by everybody." Ariella was mumbling before she got to her feet.
Greg chuckled and shook his head helping her to her feet "but bonds can be reforged if the desire is there from both parties so this time you get to chose if you want it or not and don't be mad at her unlike you, Vivian and I she has not experienced the love strong enough to bond so she probably doesn't know how feelings can change"
"Perhaps our relationship would have been different had it not started as that master slave relationship." Ariella was commenting although she knew that the love that she had formed had been more out of that reliance on him than anything. No given time, and them actually allowed to get to know each other as equals, that would change.
“Then this is your second chance Ari if you want to be with him and Tully want to make it work then you have the chance” Greg smiled at her and wrapped his arms around her in a hug
"Yeah I know but right now.... We have bigger problems to deal with than our love lives. Lord Zack and Lord Vincent are working together. Both are madmen, who enjoy seeing their enemy tremble in terror." Ariella spoke after a moment in time as she pushed some hair from her face then looked at Vivian as the woman came over.
Ariella was just looking before she spoke "I have other things to do currently. Such as regain my own kingdom."
Ariella was looking towards him for a moment before she gave a small shake of her head. "You need not concern yourself. I will be dealing with this on my own time. Your fight is with Zack."
"its is with Zack but you are my fired Ari so I will help you as that is what friends do and even though it hasn't been that way since your uncle took the kingdom from you Angels and Demons have always been friends" Greg smiled lightly at her
Ariella was just giving a nod of her head before she was commenting, "That is my goal right now. If I can regain control.... Then Zack has lost the support of the angels. Which means that his army shall dwindle more... other than those that are dead loyal to him." But it would still help them in the long run.
Greg nodded his head "let us help it will show those in the angelic kingdom who were loyal to your parents that Mark and his child back you and stand by you."
Ariella was giving a small nod of her head before she was commenting, "First step... Finding all of the angels in this realm."
Greg nodded "that is easy they all live in one area when they arrived Mark altered some of his land for them so they could live with out getting ill"
Ariella was giving a nod of her head before she was commenting, "Then that is where I am going." She was just looking towards a few of the flowers that were struggling to grow near her, before she was kneeling down and touching them gently. "A beautiful flower that is both a healing herb and a poison. The leaves themselves are poison yet the petals can be used in herbal remedies to promote healing." she was humming as she gently touched the flower as it became to bloom.
Greg smiled "I would wait till Mark is done with his meeting as I do not know where the location is or if they will welcome you but with Mark they will"
Ariella was just looking for a moment before she was commenting, "I suppose I can do that." With that she was climbing to her feet once again and stepping away from a few of the plants. "My mother use to have a beautiful garden.... There was every species of plant known to man within that garden. There were many extinct plants as well. It was a bit funny because.... while mother had this same affinity.... She knew absolutely nothing about any of the plants. Not even their name." Yet Ariella could tell anybody anything about a plant, just by a simple glance.
Ariella was just nodding her head before she spoke, "I know this. That man.... Nick.... I do remember him. He had been assigned as my guardian when I was born which means.... His memory loss is more than likely because of me." She had fallen, she had her own memories stripped away.... Yet she could faintly remember the oath that he had sworn to her mother.
Ariella was a bit startled by his voice although she didn't say anything more than that. No there was no need to argue with anything considering.... she truly didn't know what was true and what wasn't at that point in time.
Mark moved and sat next to her "Nick was badly hurt while protecting you and your mother the injuries he sustained caused memory loss that has slowly come back but someone placed a spell on him to hinder that return and cause him to lose the memories that he had from the time he woke up after healing"
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