Parallel (LunarWold & GardianAngel)

Bella chuckled "bonds are always important they give people something worth fighting to protect granted our queen is stronger at seeing bonds then I am"
"Still not a very important thing to figure out or worry about during a war." Alex mumbled before he was just waving a hand. He was going to head off inside once again.
Bella chuckled "Alex having a bond makes one stronger just look at the princess and our queen the princess has a bond and even after a short rest she was up and on the move again our queen looks ready to pass out and she doesn't have a bond"
Bella shook her head "Incubuses are so stupid" with the she vanished leaving Nick on his own to find his way to the room he had been given
"And succubi are just annoying whores. Butt out of my fucking life." Alex hissed at her before he was showing Nick where to go.
"Now still isn't the time to be worrying about trivial stuff such as that." Alex mbled as they walked into the palace, as the two ladies were leaving the throne room.
"no its not but maybe she was trying to get you to do something other than be a stiff statue" Nick then headed off leaving him there. Aranya looked at them both and gave a worn out and tired wave before heading to her room
Alex was just looking before he wasbling that maybe he should have just left completely when he had the chance. "They are right but they are wrong. Bonds make one stronger but they are also a weakness. This is what many forget." Ariella spoke as she walked past.
Aranya looked at her "true but bonds are why we love and have families but forced ones do not bear fruit of any kind" Aranya wabbled on her feet and had asked Ari to walk with her to her room so she didn't fall over
"Yet they are a weakness. If you feel your bandmate in danger you may disregard your own life. Or if you are supposed to be protecting another... Forego that task to go protect your mate." Ariella was commenting before she was stating that she knew all about forced bonds, after all that is how hers had been practically.
Aranya touched her "he does love you and that emotion wasn't forced it is genuine Ari never doubt that but if you do not want it I can break it for you just be prepared for pain and suffering on both your ends"
"I know but like I said if you don't want it I'll break it had I known you didn't want it I wouldn't have pushed you to complete it" Aranya felt bad for her actions in that mess
Ariella just looked before she spoke "My wants and needs have never mattered. So it is whatever." With that she was leaving the room so that she could back to the garden, not that Aranya was safely in her own room and on her bed.
"they always matter Ari if you don't want the bond then I will break it for you" Aranya looked at her and sighed before she reached out with her gift and severed their bond both Kodi and Ari would feel the pain of it
Aranya could already see it unraveling as had done as Ari wished if she didn't feel the pain then that was good but she could hear Kodi howl in pain as it was severed
Ariella was slightly annoyed that despite her stating not to do it, it had been anyways. And now she was on her knees dry heaving a bit from the pain. Some of the flowers just seemed to cool around her, as though to comfort her
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