Parallel (LunarWold & GardianAngel)

Alex just watched for a brief moment in time before he questioned, "What has you out here, Lady Ariella? I thought you had been resting." "I had been resting but.... I couldn't sleep anymore. So I decided to come outside. The flowers were calling to me." she spoke with a small giggle.
Ariella was just smiling at the pair of them before she questioned, "Whatever happened to the Colossus?" This had Alex hesitating for a moment before he was explaining the situation. Oh wasn't this interesting.... and she came to realize what the king was wanting to talk to them about. Something had awakened within herself and Aranya.
Soon enough, Ariella was drawing away from Alex so that she could wander over to where Nick was, merely circling around him. No the man was familiar to her as well, although she couldn't quite place it at all. "Wait.... You were..... One of my guardians. Assigned to me by my mother.... I think.... Maybe...." Ariella was commenting just having a strange look on her features as she thought about it.
Ariella was giggling before she was commenting, "I don't know either. I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually." With that she was just dancing away from him. With each footstep, grass seemed to grow up under her yet whenever her foot wasn't making contact with the ground, it was withering away again.
Alex was just watching them for a brief moment in time before he was just folding his arms across his chest.
Alex looked over before he spoke, "It isn't normal for grass to exist in the demon realm. Why it is so devoid of plants other than those within the garden. But they are maintained by powerful magics."
Ariella was just looking over before she spoke, "Earth is my gift. A strong affinity with the nature around me. If I listen hard enough.... I can hear the whispers of it all."
Ariella was giving a nod of her head and was soon enough heading off so that they could go and speak to Mark.
Alex was just beyond confused... wondering what any of this even had to do with anything that had happened recently.
this had a succubus who had been watching them chuckling "she is like me and see's bonds she probably sees that there is a possibility for one between you two"
"And I'm not sure how that is an important thing right now. At all. In the midst of a war." Alex was mumbling.
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