Parallel (LunarWold & GardianAngel)

Aranya smiled "I am going to make things a lot more complicated but I may not be able to make it back on my own your wings are as strong as mine so if you would be willing to accompany me I would appreciate it"
Aranya headed for where both of the Colossus was waiting and she landed on the ground in front of them he hand flat against it "hear me now grounds of the demon kingdom those who stand beyond this canyon are not welcome and threaten the people hear I beseech you take their lives in penance" Aranyas eyes glowed with power and soo the ground around her started to die and all those who were not residents of the demon lands started to die as well
Alex just watched for a moment although he found himself giving a faint shudder at the magic that could be felt. He could see that Zack and Vincent had fallen back, their own powerful magics wrapping around themselves and some of their close guardians. It seemed like combined their magic was able to protect themselves and they were disappearing with a good chunk of their soldiers. But there would be a next time. The colossus on the other hand.... they both seemed to be enraged more than anything at the time, plucking up some chunks of rock to toss at the pair of them.
the rocks would slam against a barrier rather then hit them and once her desire was fully in place she stood up and then without warning crumbled to the ground
Alex was grabbing her up and just watched for a brief moment in time, letting out a slow breath as he watched for a moment. Man.... at this rate is was going to be an all out civil war. And the angels were broken into two factions at the time, those that followed Vincent, and those that didn't follow him. And many of the angels within the heavens didn't even know that their young princess was in fact alive.
from where she had stood death spread out killing those who did not belong there whose intent was to harm even the colossus were being killed off but after a bit the ground started to come back to life as well becoming lush and full once more
This just had Alex explaining briefly before he was stating that Zack and Vincent had managed to get away. "I don't know that we can rely on the angels to side with us though. It would seem that their King has a strong reign over them." Alex was speaking, even referring to those that had allied themselves with Mark. They had been hesitant to attack when it came to Vincent. With that he was speaking, "I believe that it would be wise to introduce them to Miss Ariella sooner rather than later."
Mark nodded his head "soon I have to speak with the girls about something first and then we will get her introduced but for now please take her to her room to rest and then if you could find Nick and calm him down that would be great please the doctors keep trying to look him over and last i saw he was trying to climb out a window"
"Do you even know anything about this Nick? He has absolutely no memories at all, and won't let anybody even try to help him regain his memories." Alex was speaking after a moment in time.
Mark nodded his head "I do know who he is and I know most of his history but Alex keep in mind that he may no want to remember because of trauma that is now forgotten but has left a lasting impression.
"I understand that but he doesn't know anybody here, or he thinks he doesn't know anybody here. Which isn't helping at all." Alex was pointing out. No he wasn't saying to force him to uncover his memories, he was just stating that everything was unfamiliar to him. Which was a dangerous thing.

Vivian was just watching the doctors as they were trying to look over Nick before she was just letting out a breath of air and getting up from where she was sitting. "Alright, alright. All of you shoo already. Obviously he doesn't want to be looked over right now. So just leave him be." she was speaking after a moment in time as she put a hand on her hip, just watching a few of them who mumbled yet they were walking off in the end.
"no it's not but he seemed to feel comfortable with you" Mark knew that Nick was comfortable with him as he had seemed calmer then then he was now and it assured him that Alex could keep him calm
Alex was giving a small nod of his head and was soon enough heading off to get Aranya laid down, before he was heading off to the medical wing where Nick was at. Currently it seemed like Vivian was just sitting in the same general area that the other man was in, the female just seeming to watch him for a moment.
Alex was just looking at Vivian for a moment before he was questioning how it was going, which had her giving a slow shake of her head before she was commenting, "Well he did just try to climb out of the window." "I'll take it from here. Go find Greg, go lie down. You look pale." Alex was commenting.
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