Parallel (LunarWold & GardianAngel)

Soon enough the pair of them were headed off outside and Alex was speaking, "Tell me; what is it you last remember. Perhaps I can help you figure out your last memories, and how exactly you ended up here to begin with."
"The birth of your princess?" Alex was questioning after a moment in time, just tilting his head for a bit. Nope he would let Nick explain, as he lead him outside to the garden where nobody was at.
Alex was just looking over before he spoke, "You were once an angel but.... That magic is so dull now. Did you fall? Were you cast out?" Perhaps there was another reason but he wasn't quite sure the reason.... yet again he wasn't an angel so he wasn't quite sure.
"Because my king asked me to. I guess you seemed calmer whenever I was around. He was worried since you were trying to climb out a window." Alex was commenting after a brief moment in time.
Alex was chuckling for a moment in time before he was commenting that some of the doctors could be a little in your face at times.
"Well.... Where were you before you came here? What were you doing?" Alex was questioning before he was stating that Nick had been living in the demon realm for the last number of years, he had pledged his loyalty to the demon king. "Now that I think about it... You showed up shortly after King Mark had learned of the Angel Princess' disappearance." Alex was commenting.
Alex was just frowning before he spoke, "Strange that you remember nothing else other than that. Yet again Vivian had said there was powerful magic on you and now that I look at it.... It feels like Vincent's magic. Distasteful, tainted."
Alex was giving a shrug although he found himself distracted by something in the distance; movement. Which had him heading off in the distance to see that Ariella was awake once again. And of course she had busied herself in the garden... kind of the usual spot for her to be found lately.
Ariella was looking over for a moment before she was getting up to her feet, brushing off some dirt that was on her skirts. The vine that was usually coiled around her arm had a blooming flower around her wrist at the moment, a flower that let off a very sweet scent. Perhaps one that Nick would find familiar, a favorite flower to the deceased queen. Not that Ariella truly remembered that herself, but it seemed like she was truly her mother's daughter.
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