Parallel (LunarWold & GardianAngel)

"Life, death.... Gifts from the gods. In the end none of that is going to matter soon enough." Ariella spoke although her voice seemed more haunted as she gently touched the dying plant, watching as the blossoms began to open up once again. There were a few other angels that were within the room that were just watching, whispers around. It had been a while since they had seen the beautiful flower blossom.
"should things not change that is true but already you and your counterpart change things and change them for the better. I was gifted the gift of fore site for so long I have seen the same end brought on by a mad man and his desire for power but the day you two met and reconnected the future started to change and will continue to do so until your work is done" the old man stood and walked over to her "if you so wish I can remove the shroud'
"Nothing is more important or bigger than your memories my dear" the male frowned that she would care so little for her own memories that she would think that a war was more important
Ariella was just looking towards him for a brief moment in time before she spoke, "Perhaps I'm just afraid to know. Perhaps they had been hidden away for a reason."
"they were hidden to keep you from knowing your true worth, while there will be pain there will also be great good in those memories" the male walked over and then pulled out a watch and flipped it open showing a picture of her family and it was easy to see they were trully happy
Ariella was just looking for a brief moment before she was just touching the picture lightly, just studying it for a moment in time. Yeah they did all look truly happy. "Okay.... " she spoke in a soft voice.
the male moved closer and place a hand on her head and then smiled "this will not hurt if anything it will feel as if your standing under a warm shower" with that he went to work removing the shroud that blocked her memories from her. he moved slowly so that he didn't hurt her or cause problems later on
Ariella was just commenting that she wasn't overly concerned about pain at all, she had already dealt with severe pain when the other memories had been coming back.
the male nodded but still did his work carefully and after a few minutes the shroud was removed and the memories he could feel were beginning to return to her
No there were definitely memories returning, and Ariella was just taking a light step away from the man. Nope it wasn't out of pain, it was more out of surprise if anything. It had been so sudden... one moment they hadn't been there, and the next thing she just seemed to remember everything. "My uncle killed my parents...." she spoke in an almost broken voice. Not a fact that she had known, and he had attempted to kill her.... yet.... That is why she had fallen. "He tried to kill me yet he didn't realize that the executioner he had tasked to do it was loyal to my mother and father. He had bound away my powers slightly and this is when I had fallen, he made it seem like he had killed me, and my death was the reason I fell."
the male nodded his head and then waited to see if she would know who he was or if he would have to inform her of his role. he had been the one to seal her powers all those years ago but he hoped she would and could forgive him
Ariella was just pausing for a moment before she spoke, "You.... It was you..... You did it." There was a moment of confliction running through her. While she felt that she should be upset about it, at the same time she truly couldn't be upset. He had saved her life with his actions.
"yes princess I did I did what i could to save you and protect your family line" the male had aged since she last saw him but he could still put up a fight if need be
Ariella was just shaking her head before she spoke, "I feel like perhaps I should be mad but I cannot be mad."
"you have every right to be angry with me princess as I did take your memories but I had to protect you as well" the male then kneeled before her and swore his loyalty to her once more
Ariella was looking towards him before she spoke, "My first goal is to take back our kingdom from my uncle."
Ariella was looking for a moment before she was looking towards the flower that seemed to nuzzle against her cheek as though it were a cat. With that she was just looking at her hands for a moment before she spoke, "But I don't know the first thing about battle. I'm no warrior." She was an archer, but there was no hand to hand fighting for her.
"you will not participate in the battle princess that is of us to do" before either of them could start to fight Mark stepped in "I will guide you on what a ruler does when it is time for a battle"
"and you can princess in more ways than being on the battlefield with us" Mark moved to her side "he is right you are a skilled healer like Vivian is you can help and aid them there if you wish but it wouldn't do for you to get hurt reclaiming your home"
Ariella was giving a small nod of her head before she was speaking, "I can still help on the field other than healing. I am a talented archer."
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