Parallel (LunarWold & GardianAngel)

Ariella was showing her where they were going, finding herself pausing a bit as they got closer. No she truly didn't want to go in there, but she had no choice in the matter. They had to enter that vile area.
The area of the demon realm that they had gone to was a dark and massive forest. A strange red fog seemed to cover the forest. Ariella found herself shuddering a bit before she was statinf that they were looking for a temple. Although they would have to travel by foot through the forest.
Aranya looked at her lightly "are you sure that this is the place." when she landed she made sure to stay back from the fog as she could feel its energy and it gave even her the chills
Ariella was just looking for a moment in time before she was nodding her head then speaking, "Yes I am sure that this is the place."
Ariella was giving a nod of her head before letting out a slow breath of air, and she was soon enough entering the forest. Time to find the armor so that they could get the hell out of there.
Aranya walked with her and looked around a frown covering her face as she walked as the forest gave her the creeps and not in a good way
Ariella just looked around for a brief moment in time as she was pushing some of the vines out of the way as she headed deeper into the forest. No there was definitely something dangerous about this place, the hairs on the back of her neck standing straight up.
Aranya stayed close and then shifted her wings slightly to see if she could take flight if she needed and while she could she could only get a few feet off the ground
Ariella just continued through the forest, although after a bit she was speaking softly and a few small orbs of light seemed to appear, and floated around them, lighting up the area even more.
"watch where you step you can only get a few feet off the ground with your wings" while it would help for trapped areas if they we able to act fast enough if one of them fell too far they wouldn't be able to get out
Ariella was giving a nod before she spoke, "I'm keeping an eye out." So far the forest was quiet... which made it even more eerie. Eventually they were coming upon the temple, although this is when they could feel the dark energy that radiated from it. A powerful entity was there... and Ariella was almost certain that it wasn't a good thing at all.
Ariella was giving a small nod of her head before she spoke, "Yes let us do that." A small breath was escaping her lips and soon enough she was walking forward, towards the ruins.
Ariella just gazed around as she walked before she spoke, "This place.... It never use to be like this... It never use to be so... corrupted..."
Ariella was just giving a small nod of her head before she was commenting that she just hoped that it being so dark wasn't going to make things more difficult for them in the long run.
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