Parallel (LunarWold & GardianAngel)

while she watched Aranya worked and after a while and with a bit of magic she set the broth in front of her. it was clear and had no smell or taste so it shouldn't up set her stomach "her try this"
Vivian was just watching although it wasn't long before a bowl was being set down in front of her. It didn't seem to have a smell at all, and when she was taking a sip... there was no taste. Okay well it was more like water if anything; that is what it reminded her of.
Aranya smiled it had all the nutrients she needed and would help her feel full as well with out making her sick and she was happy that i seemed to be working
It did seem to be working, yet again a few other times it had seemed like she was able to keep something down but a while later she was getting sick. So that was quite possible as well, but for the time being it was staying down, and hopefully it would stay that way.
Vivian was just watching some of the cooks for a moment in time yet there were a few of them that she had that sudden feeling of discomfort around. Although she wasn't sure why at all. Just looking at them had her tensing up a bit, as though she was waiting for them to attack or something. Yet this had her swallowing around, and she found herself coughing a bit when that happened.
Aranya watched her and pay attention to those who made her uncomfortable and made a mental note. Vivian had always been a good judge of character and she trusted that instinct
Vivian didn't seem to comment on the broth at all; it wasn't as though she really could comment. There was no taste although her stomach wasn't feeling queasy at all, which was a good thing. "Thanks. I don't feel sick right now but.... That could change." she was speaking in a soft voice.
Vivian was giving a small nod of her head before she was taking another sip from the broth, and then just looked over at some loud voices behind them. Oh there were the knights coming back from their training. With them seemed to be Nick and Alex, which had her waving towards them. She was grateful to see that the pair of them had gotten along better, and it seemed like Nick had been remembering more of who he was and how he got there.
Vivian was giving a small wave and questioned how training had been. "I made the discovery that I definitely cannot wield anything other than a sword to save my life. And I also made the discovery that Lady Ariella is rather terrifying with a bow in her hand." Alex was commenting with a faint chuckle.
Alex was giving a faint chuckle before he was commenting that even some of the elite archers from the royal guards were slow compared to her.
"never get between the princess of the angels and her bow" Aranya vaguely remembered that they had each picked a weapon as a child and that had been why she had gone to Brayden they had the same weapon and she needed his head
Alex was giving a faint chuckle before he was commenting that there were a few who had learned that. A couple of them had even challenged her to a archery competition which was going to happen later in the day.
Alex was chuckling before he spoke, "Oh yeah.... A number of us are going to go and watch. The few guards that challenged her are those ones that are constantly arguing with the generals, acting like they are oh so high and mighty." Yes they were talented warriors, and had once been in the running to become one of the generals.... but they had fucked up severely.
Aranya sighed and then rubbed her head "if they try to harm her Highness please make sure they do not survive to try a second time unless instructed by her to do otherwise" Aranya would no allow them to harm her friend
Alex was just looking over before he was commenting, "Well she did tell them not to go crying to their leaders after they got their asses handed to them." There was a chuckle falling from his lips and he was looking towards Vivian when she was commenting that she was most definitely wanting to watch this show. "If you want to; we can escort you if you want."
Vivian was just giving a small nod of her head for a moment before she was taking Alex's arm when he was offering it to her, as though a gentleman asking a lady to dance. About to lead her onto the dance floor.
They were heading off towards the archery range and it seemed like there were quite a few people that were gathered around to watch was happening. Vivian was sitting on the fence railing, Alex leaning against the railing, his back against it as he just watched as the guards that had wanted to have this competition were coming out.
Nick looked at them as well and tilted his head to the side "how will they be able to beat her if she has been training most of her life?"
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