Parallel (LunarWold & GardianAngel)

"I mean they have been training for most of their life as well. Besides you know these guys.... They like to prove that they are the best." Alex was commenting with a faint chuckle as he was just watching for a moment in time. Nothing had changed from when he had once sparred with them so long ago.
Alex was just commenting, "Oh I am sure that they will end trying to do something stupid." Vivian was just giggling before she was commenting, "I hope that they aren't dumb enough to try though."
Soon enough the contest was starting and Alex was giving a frown after a bit. There was a strange dark energy that seemed to be coming from out of nowhere. What on earth was evening happening? And it seemed to be navigating towards where the two guys were standing, obviously getting frustrated that they were losing. Yet Ariella was as calm as could be at that point, seemingly oblivious to what was happening. Yet Alex knew that that wasn't the case. Vivian just watched for a moment and was just wrapping her arms around herself lightly with a small shudder.
Alex wasn't doing anything at the time, just watching for the time being. His eyes were just following the guys for a moment in time, although his eyes were flickering towards something in the distance. There was something else there, heading towards them. Something big it seemed.
Alex was giving a nod of his head before he was just commenting that not like anybody was going to listen to them at all. They didn't have any authority at all. Yet he was startled when something seemed to be coming flying towards where everybody was at, only to strike a barrier that he hadn't even known was wrapped around them. He was looking towards Ariella, who was looking up towards the sky, her eyes seeming to glow faintly.
"your highness are you ok" Nick looked at her and hoped that she would give them instructions on what to do as well so that they knew what she wished for them to do
Ariella was looking over before she spoke, "I am fine. But we need to retreat away from here; back towards the palace." It would seem that Zack had decided on a sneak attack and what was coming towards him were some of his experimental soldiers. Her eyes were flickering towards Vivian for a brief moment when she felt the familiar magic from the woman. It seemed like Vivian was activating her own ability, and canceling out any abilities from the enemy.
Vivian was allowing Nick to help her down and was soon enough heading off with him into the castle, although she was more watching the wooded area for a moment in time. No as they got farther away from where they had been, it became a bit more of a struggle to maintain that magic, especially with being pregnant. That wasn't making anything easy at all either.
NIck stopped her at the entrace "lets wait here for her highness and Alex and then we can head in" Already someone was alerting Aranya to what was happening and she was rushing to join Ari
Vivian was just giving a nod of her head although she was just speaking, "There is a large army heading towards us. And they are moving swiftly it seems." Ariella didn't seem to move at all from where she had been, just keeping up a barrier until those that were around her had gotten away. After that she was flicking her hand and sending the rocks that had been tossed, flying back at the enemy.
Vivian was just watching for a moment in time before she was letting go of her magic, although she did sway a bit.
Vivian was shaking her head before she commented "I know my limits." Soon enough it seemed like the two young royals were returning, Ariella was walking backwards, her eyes towards the wooded area. Her lips were moving and it was almost as though she were drawing in the air. And slowly Vivian could see the lines, could see the rune that she was creating. A high level protection spell.
Aranya walked over and smiled at Vivian "thank you for how quickly you both acted" Arnaya looked at Ari "lets go armor up and show the ass that we wont take these attacks laying down" Aranya was furious that he would attack them like this but she had known that it was going to happen as he didnt fight fair
Ariella was giving a nod of her head before she was cooing, "Oh yes.... Let us do that." Her eyes were flickering towards Vivian for a moment in time and was watching as Alex was falling in beside her and Nick.
"guard Vivian and keep her close at all times" Aranya then closed her eyes and her armor appeared and wrapped around her including her weapon
Ariella's own armor was wrapping around her and she was allowing her bow to form in her hand. Alex was giving a nod of his head before he was speaking, "As you wish."
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