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Parallel (LunarWold & GardianAngel)

Ariella was just looking towards him when he was mentioning that, before she was looking off into the distance. "Nobody knew where we had gone, or what we had been doing." Which meant that there had in fact been somebody.... or something following them. Keeping tabs on them.
"then how did they know you are both weakened right now?" Maliki look around and frowned when he noticed Aranya stumble a bit even though she was kneeling
Valion seemed to be appearing at Aranya's side almost instantly, keeping himself between her and the enemy. This had Ariella shaking her head before she was commenting that she had no idea how they could have known. Unless there was a mole within their ranks, which she truly didn't want to believe at all.
Ariella was just shaking her head before she spoke, "Lets fall back for now and see what happens. Have everybody fall back into the palace, behind the barrier."
Maliki nodded and started calling out her orders knowing that the guards would do as ordered and fall back now it just came to a matter on if Aranya would do it
Valion was stating that Ariella was falling back and was suggesting that Aranya do the same. Although if she didn't fall back, then he was naturally going to stay at her side.
"lets wait till everyone else get back to the castle" Aranya knew that it was dangerous but they were her people and she wasn't going to sacrifice them just to retreat
Valion was giving a nod of his head before he was letting Ariella know what she had said. This had Ariella letting out a breath before she was just watching as people retreated.
Soon enough they were all heading back to the castle, although at some point in time Valion just took to carrying Aranya so that they could get back more quickly. Ariella was just watching for a moment before she was heading off so that she could return as well, just tightening her hold on her barrier that was wrapped around the palace. The black lightning was strong, that was for sure.
Aranya had let out a squeak when he picked her up but she was grateful for it as she had felt about ready to collapse. what Aranya wasn't expecting to see was Kodi and Brayden standing there when they arrived in the castle along with her rather infuriated father
Ariella continued onto the palace as well, and was pausing to catch her breath for a moment as she looked towards the three of them. The king looked absolutely furious, not that she truly knew why.
Aranya grimaced when her father went off not because they went into battle but for a different reason. Arany knew her lack of feeding would make it to her father she just hadn't expected it to happen so soon
Ariella was just watching for a moment in time before she was speaking, "I am sorry to interject.... but you truly have no reason to get upset at all. A lot has been going on in these past few weeks, and everybody is bound to forget now and again. It happens we are all.... well for the lack of better terms, human. We are allowed to make mistakes; we are also allowed to push ourselves to a brink in order to protect those we care about. Aranya would have been fine for a while longer.... had it not been for her using her energy to ensure that the kingdom, and those living within these walls stayed alive. Because as of right now.... the pair of us are the only things that are keeping out whatever is wanting in.... that black lightning, which hurts like a bitch every time it hits the barrier, is no exception." With that she was just turning on her heel and heading off inside stating that she was going to take a bath, and was inviting Aranya to join her in the large bath.
“She hasn’t been feeding for the last three weeks not even during the last battle it’s not that she has forgotten she deliberately refused to feed” The former king glared at his daughter who was doing her best to not look at him
Ariella was looking over before she spoke, "I mean no disrespect when I say this but.... She is a grown woman now. This is her life, these are her decisions. If she so decides to go without feeding then that is her decision to make. This is not one that anybody else can make for her."
“And if she tries to use her gifts with out feeding she will die every single time she does it will shorten her life span till it kills her” Aranya sighed and then sat as she was feeling rather weak
"Yes bit if this is a consequence she knew about, yet she does continue it... That is her choice. No I don't want to see that worst case scenario happen. But I am not her. I cannot make her choices for her." Ariella was speaking. No she wouldn't force her friend to do what she didn't want. Yes she would voice that she would prefer to see her feed, but that was all.
Valion stayed at her side, escorting her. "Aranya. Let go of your hold on the barrier. I can maintain it. You feed and get some rest then you can help." Ariella spoke in a soft voice.
Aranya looked at her and shook her head but instead of voicing her reason verbally she spoke to her mentally 'I can't while I know I need to feed to live I can't stand having multipule partners like everyone else does'
"Then don't have multiple partners. This is why I'm kind of glad that I don't have to deal with that at all. Maliki is a cutie." Ariella was commenting mentally, with a mental grin before her eyes were flickering towards the barrier.
'if you want to date him then do so Ari I wont stop you' Aranya made her way to her room knowing full well she was going to be out of it for some time
Ariella was a bit surprised by those words before she was humming that one never knew, she might just do that. While Aranya was heading off to her room, Ariella merely stood outside watching the sky for a moment.
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