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Parallel (LunarWold & GardianAngel)

'I wish you luck in finding someone your comfortable with and to give you a heads up I will be out for some time so don't worry if I dont wake up right away' Arayna soon arrived at her room and after closing the door she changed and then laid down allowing sleep to claim her
Ariella was just looking off in the general direction that Aranya had gone off in before she spoke, 'I'll hold down the fort until you awaken then. At least one of us should remain conscious, especially at this time.' It was going to be exhausting for the both of them but until this situation was remedied, or they figured what they were suppose to be fighting against so that they could properly plan. A breath was escaping her lips before she was turning on her heel to head off inside as well; somehow managing to stay on her feet.
Ariella was a bit startled by him coming up, having been lost in her own thoughts. Needless to say she ended up losing her balance and falling on the ground. A breath was coming from. Her lips and blowing some hair that was in her face away. "Right now... I can't. I can't let the barrier drop. Not with that lightning. Somebody gets hit with that and they are as good as dead."
Ariella was looking over for a moment in time before she was thinking for a moment. After a brief moment she was speaking, "Actually there is something you can do to help. You need to find some diamonds. Pure diamonds. We will place them along the edge of the barrier, and they will be used to maintain it. Other magic users can use their own magic to pour into the diamond. Although an eye would have to be kept on them, because the moment that one of them shatters.... could spell disaster. About eight will be good."
Ariella was watching him leave before she was heading off towards the room she was allowed to stay in. The moment that the door was closed she was allowing herself to sink to her knees by the bed. God she felt like she couldn't breath, and that was more because of the damn black lightning. She was feeling the aftershocks of it striking the barrier, a rather irritating thing to say the least.
its didnt take Maliki long to do as she directed and soon the stones were placed and equal distance apart and right against the barrier as she had directed
Ariella could feel the stones against the barrier which had her relaxing a little bit, just resting her head on the side of the bed. This whole situation was definitely getting far worse than they had expected.
once he was certain nothign would get damaged and a guard was stationed with each stone he went to check on her to make sure that she was ok and resting
For the most part Ariella was doing alright. She was sitting on the ground next to the bed, and leaning against it her eyes closed. She seemed to be sleeping at the time, but there was a small hint of pain on her features. If Maliki went to see if she had any injuries at all, he would in fact find that she had been cut at some point during the small battle; and there had been a poison on whatever had managed to cut her, one that could be potentially fatal to an angel. Thankfully right now it seemed like her body was fighting it off, which was the exact reason she seemed to be burning with fever if one felt her.
Maliki swore and then called for a doctor before he carefully moved her ot the bed. he adjusted the pillows so that she was still sitting but he knew she needed to be tended to and fast
A doctor was arriving soon enough and was questioning about what seemed to be the problem; yet it was pretty obvious after a moment. "Oh.... This is a rare poison.... I will have to consult with some of the angelic healers.... This poison doesn't do anything to demons but to an angel it can be fatal." the doctor was speaking after a moment in time, a frown decorating his lips.
"please hurry her majesty will be furious of something happens to her highness" Maliki knew that things would not be good if Ari was severly ill or dead when Aranya woke up
This had the doctor hurrying off quickly so that he could go and find another angelic healer. In his hurry he did end up colliding with Alex and Nick, Alex questioning where he was off to in a hurry. This had the doctor explaining the situation quickly, on how he needed to find an angel that knew about how to take care of the problem.
NIck blinked and then looked at Alex with a frown on his face he was concered that hse had gotten harmed and so easily as it seemed like the two females would never fall
Alex was looking towards Nick before he questioned, "You know anything about this poison?" After all Nick was an angel but Alex was also directing the doctor off towards where he had seen some of the medics all hanging out; both angels and demons alike. While Ariella was unconscious it was as though she were trapped in a nightmare, yet it was quite often that she almost seemed to be scratching at her side, where she had gotten cut. If Maliki lifted up her shirt he would see that the wound looked infected and the veins around it seemed to be far darker than usual.
Maliki was busy keeping her from scratching at her side to prevent it from spreading faster

Nick shook his head “no I don’t” he still had large parts of his memory missing. But if one were to look at his side they would see a scar from the same type of arrow and poison
Alex was just frowning for a moment in time although he was noticing the scar, considering the pair had just come in from training so at the time they weren't wearing shirts at all. "What is this scar from?" he was questioning after a moment in time, as he was gently touching it.

"It burns....." Ariella was whimpering; and that burning sensation is what had her scratching at it. As though trying to remove whatever was burning her; at that point not knowing that there wasn't anything there for her to remove. Not externally anyways.
Nick looked where he touched and he shrugged his shoulders "no clue" he did how ever like the feel of hte males hand on his skin but he didn't voice that

"I know but you have to hold off you don't want to hurt yourself more" Maliki hoped that they would hurry
Alex was just giving a nod of his head and was soon enough drawing him to the side as the doctor rushed past again with one of the angelic medics. The fact that Ariella was running a fever though was a very good thing, as was her suddenly waking up to be sick.
Ariella was coughing a bit although she wasn't sitting up for long, just seeming to fall back into him. Definitely not an intentional thing at all, but she seemed a lot calmer, soon enough the doctor was coming into the room.
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