Parallel (LunarWold & GardianAngel)

"No there is something more going on." Ariella was commenting in a low voice, before she was speaking something softly. She was letting out her own pulse of magic, something that only she would feel and was using that to find out what was going on. Following the enemy as they were retreating. There was something big headed their way.... a collosus.
Ariella was speaking in a soft voice, "A colossus is approaching. Two of them actually... the other now in my range. And from their power level...." This wasn't going to be an easy battle whatsoever. She was allowing her magic to dissipate before she was kneeling down onto the ground, her hands on the ground. "Mother Earth, hear me now. Help us. Rend apart the earth and slow down those creatures." she spoke and channeled her magic into the earth. Vincent was just watching for a moment in time before he was chuckling a bit before he spoke, "There is no point in attempting that my sweet niece. The earth has not responded to angels since the time of your great great grandmother."
There had been stories of that woman. It was said that she had been the goddess of nature herself, able to control the nature flawlessly. Getting it to do her bidding without any trouble at all. And then with her death that magic had just seemed to disappear, until Ariella had been born anyways. Yes it wasn't uncommon for one to have the ability to manipulate the earth.... but Ariella just seemed to have a more unique connection with it than most people. Able to understand it, able to feel it.
At first nothing seemed to happen although after a while everybody could feel the faint shaking of the earth. From where they were they weren't able to see the crevices that had opened up between where they were at and the colossus' but it had happened. The cracks being quite the gap apart, although it was only a temporary thing. Eventually the earth itself would begin to close up, as though a person zipping up a zipper.
While Ariella was able to cast the magic.... it had definitely taken its toll on her. Perhaps a good thing that she was kneeling on the ground, considering after it was done, she was collapsing. Vincent was just laughing a bit commenting that he couldn't believe that his niece had been dumb enough to try and use magics that she wasn't able to use. Little did anybody truly know was that it had worked, although if Aranya looked where Ariella had fallen she would see the once dead grass seemed to grown where her bare skin was touching. Definitely a strong sign that her powers were coming back, and that the magic had in fact worked.
"What is even happening?" one of the incubi was questioning. Well that wasn't something that he had really expected at all. Yet again they hadn't seen in a very long time either. This had one of them commenting that it was obviously Aranya's doing, although there were a few that were commenting that they didn't think that was the case. There were a couple of incubi that were falling back towards the ladies when the loud noise could be heard in the distance. Already some scouts were heading off to check it out, and information was being relayed back.
"Your Majesties.... There seems to be a large crack in the earth.... it wasn't there earlier at all. And it has cut off the colossus, and a number of the enemy were swallowed up by it as well." a scout was reporting to Mark and Aranya.
Aranya nodded her head and then reached down and picked up Ari "gather the troops get those who are hurt healed and tended to be ready for another battle I doubt this will last long"
Aranya shook her head for some reason she felt protective of her since she was out "not that I don't trust you but if her mate smells you on her I can't promise he won't hunt for you once she wakes he will be calmer I assure you"
This had the male giving a nod of his head, stating that this definitely made more sense. And he was probably one of the incubi that one had to be worried about the least, especially around the females. He was a rather unique being... not being attracted to females but instead to males. Strange for an incubus, but there were incredibly rare moments this happened.
Aranya chuckled and then pointed at one of the men who was looking around confused "I know for a fact that he is gay and if you want a mate and partner ask him.
Who would have figured that this is exactly what the man was doing, heading over towards the confused looking male. "Why do you look so confused?" Alex was questioning.
Nick looked at him lightly "I have no clue how I got here" Nick was more than a little confused he was trying to figure out how he went from working in the kitchens to being on a battle feild
Alex was just giving a nod before he spoke in a low voice, "Come lets get back to the palace in that case." His eyes were going to something in the distance and soon enough they were all retreating behind the walls of the palace.
Alex was just looking for a moment before he was explaining the entire situation, and how everybody had been called out to battle. After that he was leading the other male into the throne room, where the others were at. There were a few that were whispering about what had happened and the scout was speaking, "No I'm for real! There was a huge crack in the ground!" A few of the angels that were nearby were mumbling among themselves as well.
Aranya settled Ari in her room and then headed to the throne room stopping by Alex and Nick "Alex get him out of here he needs some time to process all of this I will fill you in later" Aranya then walked in and looked at the others holding her hand up silencing them all "for now we need to get our people and our friends healed and ready for another battle as for how the cracks appeared we can worry about them later now is not the time"
Alex was just giving a nod of his head before he was leading the male off towards the medical wing after seeing that he was injured as well. It seemed like Vivian was being quite the busybody, the woman just looking over as the pair of them came in. "Oh no... What happened?" she was questioning Nick in a concerned voice. Nope she knew him, they had had plenty of conversations together in the past. A lot of the times he was having a cup of tea with her whenever she wandered into the kitchen.
Vivian just seemed to have a sad look on her features at the confused look that he had before she was reaching out to touch him gently after stating that she didn't mean any harm at all.
Vivian was just touching his head gently and was letting out a small breath of air, using a small amount of magic to see if she could figure out what was going on. Although here was to hoping that no opposing magics lashed back at her.
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