Parallel (LunarWold & GardianAngel)

Vivian was giving a soft smile before she was telling them all to stay safe, and to make sure that they all came back safely.
Ariella was just looking towards Aranya although it wasn't long before she was allowing her wings to appear and she was taking to the air.
Aranya wished her luck and then headed off to the battle lines and watched the others prepare so once he was closer they could head off
Ariella was allowing her bow to appear in her hand and had to wonder if the other angels that were within the realm were going to show up to help. Or even some of the other angels in general, since the demon king had sent out a plea for help.
Arayan stayed back with her father like instructed so that they wouldn't get influanced by the others. Ari, Kodi, Greg and Brayden had been instructed to do the same for the time being as well
While they took to staying away, Ariella stayed in the air with some of the other winged creatures, acting as archers. Currently they were taking down some of the obvious spell casters that they were seeing.
The opposing king was definitely furious and he was holding out his hand. Brayden was tensing up before he was hissing, "Be prepared..." No he knew what the man was sending. His experiments, and those creatures were fast! Some of the allies in the air were easily taken down. Ariella was just watching for a moment in time before she was drawing back the string on her bow and aiming towards one of the creatures, and letting the string loose. The magic arrow flying towards it, striking it in the head. This had the creature screeching in pain and the others seemed to be pausing for a moment in time. Ariella was just watching for a moment before she was taking to landing on the ground and speaking, "Come on.... Follow me."
Nope they were dealing with these annoying experiments, who were far stronger than they appeared it seemed.
Ariella kept her distance more considering she wasn't that melee fighter at all. But thank god for the now being magic, and her being able to block a sword attack easily without it cracking or breaking.
Aryanya hadnt been a fighter either but once her father had gotten better he had spent hours training her to fight and battle those stronger then her
Ariella was just shaking her head a bit before she spoke, "Suppose it could be a lot wors...." She startled although found herself drawing back her bow and letting an arrow of magic fly, striking another arrow from the sky before it could hit Aranya.
"please do be careful with saying that right now as we don t need more trouble" Aranya wasn't looking forward to the rest of this battle. while a large number of his men were dead they still had a fight on their hands
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