Parallel (LunarWold & GardianAngel)

Vivian was just looking at him before she was commenting that he could if he really wanted to. It wasn't as big of an issue when he was being gentle, a bit of a different story when he was being rough.
Vivian was just smiling softly. And for next half an hour they were allowed to enjoy themselves, yet it was after that when they could hear the familiar sounds of the bell. An alert that the army had gotten within their boundaries.
"Ariella plans on helping in the fight." Vivian spoke in a soft voice as she looked at him although she was scared for all of them, her eyes reflecting that worry.
Vivian was giving a nod of her head before she was getting up as well, and she was pulling out a dress that one of the others had given her. A comfortable dress that made getting dressed far easier and she was heading towards the throne room with him.
Vivian was just looking over before she was giving a small curtsy, although nothing like she was actually suppose to. Yet formalities were kind of tossed out the window when one was pregnant.
Vivian was just commenting, "It is only common curtsy." With that she was leaning into Greg's arms and looking towards the others as they came into the room, Ariella questioning what the plan was.
Ariella was just listening for a brief moment in time although she didn't say much of anything at that point.
Ariella was just looking over before she was commenting that it was going to turn into a giant rape fest versus a battle. Yet for some reason the thought of this alone had both herself and Vivian snickering a bit.
Aranya even chuckled "and it will feed them all as well I hope the king is ready for them as they will not be to kind in getting what they want" Aranya knew they would feed and then kill as they had been instructed too but they would also bring those who were forced to fight
Vivian seemed concerned for the innocents that would be forced to fight, which had Ariella commenting that she had already taken care of that. "I cast magic over the army, a simple spell that allowed me to feel their hearts. If they were good or bad. Those that have good intentions I tagged with magic, that the demons will sense. A sign that they are to be left alone."
Arayna shrugged "they may still end up sleeping with one as we can't really control them but they will not be harmed and will be brought here for protection"
"I'm not worried about that, I'm worried about if they get into a frenzy and just go straight into kill mode." Ariella was commenting, which was very possible.
"they wont on that I am sure" the king held up his wrist and showed off his bracelet "all unmated of our king wear one it prevents a frenzy which thankfully also helps cut down on the chance of pregnancies" t
"Always better safe than sorry." Ariella was commenting after a moment in time before she was looking over at Vivian, who just seemed nervous at that point in time.
Vivian was looking over before she questioned, "Oh may I?" Being able to help with something would help keep her nerves at ease.
Vivian was giving a nod of her head before she was stating that she would rest when she felt fatigued, and was telling him not to worry at all.
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