Parallel (LunarWold & GardianAngel)

Ariella was just giving a faint chuckle before she spoke, "Yeah I know this." She was falling back a few steps though when she got the mental message from Vivian that there was another army approaching from the opposing direction. "Damn it!" she was hissing before she was looking towards Aranya and stating that she was going to head towards the opposite side the palace and stall them.
"not alone your not" Arayan sent word to her father who had talked the other males in to aiding them and with a nod he headed to the other side of the palace as well
Ariella was giving a nod before she was taking to the air once again, heading off towards the other side of the palace. Once there she was allowing her wings to vanish and landing on the ground in a light crouch before getting to her feet. "Of course he would result to tactics like this." she was mumbling in a rather annoyed voice and flipping her hair aside.
the king looked at her "of course he knows he can't win in a fair fight. once they are done the Incubuses are going to join us they said they only had a little work left to do"
"Succubi on one side, incubi on the other. I kind of feel sorry for his army." Ariella was commenting although there was something that had a faint shudder running down her spine. A strange feeling, although she wasn't quite sure what it was.
"don't many of them lost mates to him and were itching to join this fight" the king looked around and sighed shaking his head as he could see that many of his soldiers were becoming ill. those who had agreed to join them had a band like she did letting them reside in their lands with out becoming ill
Ariella was just watching for a moment in time although she was speaking a few low words in angelic, something that perhaps the king would recognize. Honestly words that she didn't even realize she was saying, a barrier appearing above the palace and their shoulders, just as what appeared to be a hail of lightning started to rain down on them. Her eyes were flickering towards the newcomer that had shown up as well. Oh her very own uncle it seemed, along with a number of angels. And they had sided with Zack it seemed... at least for the time being. They seemed very confused by the high level angelic magic that had been cast... one that only angelic royals could use.
the king looked at her and while he was proud she knew the magic he was also worried about her as well. Mark looked over when they were joined and sent the men in to battle wishing them all luck
Ariella was just watching for a brief moment in time and was just looking up at the barrier that hung over their heads, somehow withstanding the torrent of lightning that rained down on them. Her golden eyes seemed to be a lot brighter than what they had been before, as though something had awakened inside of her once again.
Ariella was just looking towards him for a brief moment in time before she was speaking, "My uncle has some powerful guards at his side though..."
Ariella was just looking over but she just spoke, "Only some of them realize... Those that had been there that day. Others.... He wiped their memories of who I was. My parents never had a child." Although these memory flashes had her putting a hand to her head.
"I suppose...." Ariella was commenting although she was giving a startled gasp and her head was whipping towards her uncle for a moment. Soon enough a barrier was wrapping around herself and the soldiers that were nearby, protecting them from the powerful surge of magic that came from her uncle. "My dear sweet Ariella.... Do you truly think that you can beat me?"
Mark chuckled and then moved in front of her "who said she was the one fighting you Zack or did you forget we have an old grudge to settle"
(Zack is the king that Kodi and Brayden had once served. I haven't named her uncle at all. But I'll name him... Vincent.)
This had the man looking over for a moment in time before he just narrowed his eyes and was commenting, "You should be dead." "Oh yeah about that.... You could have made a poison that was a little more difficult to cure. Yet again... listening to the nature now.... It really doesn't like you right now. For you being an angel.... you have an aura more even than the darkest of demons." Ariella was commenting which had him snarling at her to shut the hell up and was throwing an attack at her.
(oh ok)

Mark moved and blocked the attack with his sword something that would go to Aranya when he passed " again your battle is with me Vincent" Mark smiled and then wished Ari luck and headed after the angel
Ariella was just watching before she was falling back a couple of steps, keeping to more behind the incubi that were there. With that she was allowing her bow to appear in her hand once again. Vincent was just laughing before he was commenting that his battle was with anybody his companion deemed an enemy.
Ariella was just watching for a moment although she knew that this wasn't going to be an easy battle at all, for any of them. Vincent was attack on one side... and then there was Zack with his army striking from the other side. It seemed like an impossible situation to deal with, on top of Vincent's constant magical attacks. Which actually had her gritting her teeth a bit. Those attacks were aimed directly at the palace itself, where all of the civilians had retreated to at Mark's orders. And his magic had already proved to be stronger than most of the demonic magics. Ariella could see that her own barrier was beginning to crack which had her speaking softly, and recasting up another one, so the moment that one cracked there was another one. "Aagh..." she shrieked when one of the enemy managed to get close enough to slash at her when she had been focusing on the magic, the female just barely managing to avoid getting struck. A few centimeters.
Aranya had left the men and went to her Aid and took Ari's hand aiding her in casting the shield. with the two powers mixed the shield actually sent the attack back at the caster. which had Aranya looking at her father sharply who shook his head telling them they would talk later
Ariella was just watching for a moment although it seemed like her uncle was protecting himself with his own shield. Some of the magic had hit him, but he brushed it krr as though it had been nothing.
Aranya looked at her "lets go to the tower" Aranya motioned to the near by tower which would keep them both safe and give them better range for attacks
Ariella was just looking for a moment in time although before they could do anything, a horn was sounding. Zack's call for retreat, which had a frown decorating her lips.
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