Parallel (LunarWold & GardianAngel)

The doctor was soon enough leaving the room and the king was just commenting that it felt like the pain was actually fading away for once.
"good I am going to ban the doctor form coming back in here and leave you in Ari's care till your better" Aranya smiled at him and hugged her friend happy he was feeling better
Ariella was giving a smile before she was commenting, "Well know that I know it is working. I want to do it twice a day. In the morning and at night. My hope is that it won't take long to clear it up. It was a rather potent antidote."
Ariella was commenting that her hope was that within the week it would be cleared up almost all the way if not completely.
Ariella was giving a deep curtsy to the king before she was straightening up again and was leaving the room.
"I suppose I should probably release you so that you can speak again..... but.... The only things you can say are nice things." Ariella was speaking, magic in her voice, as the advisor came up. He was opening up his mouth to say something, and his words came out without a problem. A test sentence, a polite sentence. Yet when he went to try and curse Ariella for doing that.... no voice.
Aranya chuckled “ make this a warning to the others if Ari catches them being rude or disrespectful she has my permission to do the same to them” Aranya then looked at her “would you come with me please”
The advisor was just nodding his head and was soon enough hurrying off while Ariella was giving a nod of her head. Not as though she had anything better to do.
Aranya took her back to the garden but lead her to a separate room where several more plants resided but she had her put gloves and a mask on “ these are sick not burned so I separated them from the other plants”
Ariella was following after Aranya and was merely looking towards the plants for a moment in time, before she was putting a hand to her chest, as though she were pained. Which was slightly the case. She found feel how sick them were, and that in general just seemed to make her heart ache a bit.
“I have tried everything but nothing I do is helping them and I don’t feel comfortable exsposing them to my magic while I can heal given my race I am not as skilled as you are” Aranya then smiled at her lightly
Ariella was just going over and gently touching one of the plants gently, not even seeming afraid of whatever it was sick with. What were they sick with? What had happened to cause them to be so sick?
Ariella was just speaking, "I want to try... Transplanting them outside, somewhere where there is constantly sunlight. This one here is crying for the sun. Perhaps that is the problem at hand. They aren't getting enough sunlight."
“I have an outdoor garden it gets plenty of light most of these are to be transplanted” Aranya then showed her the door leading outside in to a nice bright and green area
Ariella was looking for a moment before she spoke, "Lets find an area where no other plants are around and get them transplanted, see if that helps at all."
Ariella was examining the surrounding area before she was going back to where the other plants were and almost seemed to speak to them, explaining to them what was happening, as though they were children.
Soon enough they were getting the plants transplanted next to the fountain, and there did seem to have a positive effect.
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