Parallel (LunarWold & GardianAngel)

the king chuckled "I can't advisors are picked that the begining of a kings reign and remain in power until the king or queen steps down or dies. when a new monarch takes over so do new advisors
"Well then I suppose.... I could just keep him silent until that happens." Ariella was commenting; or she could spell him so that only polite words could come from his mouth. With that she was studying the king for a moment before she was actually walking closer to him, the doctor actually going to stop her from touching him. Yet she was touching the man anyways, using a small amount of her magic to study what was going on in his body, and help relieve him of the incredible pain he was feeling. "It isn't an illness.... it is poison. A large amount of poison has been consumed throughout your lifetime, and it is eating away at your internal organs."
the king nodded "yes my doctor has been trying to cure me but the damage is done had we caught it sooner then this would be a different story someone wants me dead and I wouldn't be surprised if they are poisoning my daughter as well"
Ariella was looking at the king for a moment before she questioned, "Can I have a small amount of your blood?" No she knew poisons, at least she had known poisons. Perhaps she could find a way to cure him. He didn't deserve to die like this.
"you are welcome to it even if you can cure me I will still step down I am too weak to continue my rule and it is time for some new blood on the throne" unlike the other male he knew when it was time to step down and he didn't have plans to rule the world either
"Even if you step down.... You will be alive. You will actually have the chance to get to know your daughter, and watch her as she grows. I want to try and give you that chance." Ariella was speaking before she was holding out her hand for a needle from the doctor so that she could get a little of the king's blood.
the king nodded "I would like that" while he still wanted Brayden to stay by his daughter's side and be a friend and advisor to her as he was one of the other kings generals he would give them an edge they needed to defete him
Ariella was giving a nod of her head before she spoke, "I will look into it more and see if I can develop a cure." Even if it was something that he was having to do for multiple days, if it helped.... then that was good. "My lord are you certain that you can trust this..... angel...." the doctor spoke although he spoke the last word in a rather disgusted voice. This had Ariella tilting her head a bit although she did find herself a bit hurt at how he had spoke, it was as though she had personally done something to him or something.
the king looked at the doctor "this is her royal Highness Princess Ariella and she is the true ruler of the angelic kingdom. I have known her since she was born and I knew and trusted her Parents before her so yes I am certain I can trust her" the king was having none of the males shit that day
Ariella was just looking towards the king for a moment in time before she was giving an almost gentle smile. "I hope that.... You can help me meet these angels. I want to know about my past, about myself." she spoke in a soft voice. She hardly knew who she was... and that was the worst feeling ever.
"of course my dear I will send word and see if they will join us in the morning. now before you leave tell me about your mate" the king could see the bond and knew she was mated
Ariella was just looking over for a moment before she spoke, "I would rather not speak about that.... I don't even know if I can consider him my mate or not. All I was at first was a slave; and now.... I don't even know."
"you can the mate bond does not form if the feelings are not mutual on both ends I bet if you asked him he would tell you where you stand. A wolf does not choose and Angel lightly my dear " The king sat up when his daughter walked in to check on him
Ariella was just nodding her head although she would take care of that later... right now saving the king was more pressing, he didn't have much time left. Her attention was going towards the door as it opened and Aranya was walking in. Some of the female found herself getting a bit teary eyed, perhaps because she was grateful to see the other female. Vivian had told her what had happened before Aranya had left and Ariella.... wasn't even sure if Aranya would forgive her for those words. Even if those words hadn't been her true feelings, not even close. From day one she had felt a strange connection to Aranya.... that past that she didn't remember. Although now she was putting a hand to her temple for a moment at the random memory flashes. Those painful ones that she wasn't suppose to see or something. Why?
Aranya walked over and sat next to her father smiling lightly at him and scolding him for not resting but laughed when he flicked her nose. while things were often tense between there these were the rare times when they actually acted like father and daughter
Ariella was just watching for a brief moment in time before she was giving a faint bow and dismissing herself, before leaving the room.
before she could leave the king stopped her and spoke softly to his daughter while she wasn't keen on speaking with Ari she did as her father asked
Ariella was just looking towards the king for a moment before she was speaking in a soft voice, "Spend time with your daughter... I have to start looking into this poison, and need to start on an antidote. You don't have much time left." With that she was giving a bow and was soon enough leaving the room, although she did hear the doctor's mumbled good bye, the rudeness behind it. The insult towards her, but she ignored it.
Aranya walked over to the doctor and slapped him rather hard snarling at him that if he had done his job right then Ari wouldn't need to do it for him and that he should be grateful that her friend was willing to help them
Ariella was just watching before she spoke, "There is no need to be upset with him. Perhaps his comment about being being a wolf in sheep's clothing is right. I don't know at all.... I only know me as far back as four years ago. A few months before the death of my parents, and then the life I lived with my uncle."
the king shook his head "but I do know you and you have always been kind and sweet to those you cared for your people being the main one"
Ariella was just looking over then looked at Aranya before she spoke, "Viv told me about what happened.... I don't remember that at all. And I know it would be difficult to forgive me.... but still I am sorry."
Aranya looked at her and nodded "do not worry about it she told me as well" more like had lectured her but Ari didn't need to know that
Ariella was just looking over before she spoke in a soft voice, "I hope you can find a way to forgive me."
"There is nothing to forgive so don't fret" while Aranya was still hurt she knew her friend hadn't been in control so there was no anger towards her
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