Parallel (LunarWold & GardianAngel)

"Well I hope that Aranya can forgive her. The king had been controlling her for a bit, nobody realizing it, and she said some rather harsh words to Aranya. Without even realizing it. She didn't even know what had happened afterwards. She had ended up passing out and when she woke up Aranya was gone." Brayden was commenting, although he was stating that they hadn't said anything about it at first. Although she knew the truth now.
"that is between the two but I think she will they were good friends as children and often played together, they are like the two sides of a coin a perfect match for one another" the male then looked over when his doctor came in to the room
Brayden was just shaking his head before he spoke, "Ariella doesn't remember much of her past at all. Everything from before her parents passed away a few years ago is a blank slate. And then her uncle was binding her powers and pushing her from the heavens." Which was how she had come to be with them.
the king nodded "there are those here who can help her they fled the heavens and came here when she was pushed to avoid being killed they wear bands similar to hers"
"She is currently awake now actually..." Brayden was commenting, not at all shocked that the young woman just popped into his head out of nowhere.
this had the old man chuckling "it is good to see that she is well and I am sorry for disturbing your rest just please do as I requested of you that is all I ask for"
Brayden was giving a small shrug before he was commenting that Ariella had asked Brayden to ask the king if she could come and visit for a bit.
Brayden was nodding before he was heading out of the room after passing on the message to Ariella. He was sure that a staff member would show her where to go.
Eventually a servant was tapping on the king's door and stating that he had a visitor there to see him, and the door was being opened to allow Ariella into the room.
Ariella was just looking at the man although she had more of a curious look as she spoke, "Brayden said that you knew me when I was younger."
Ariella was just shaking her head before she spoke, "I don't know.... I hardly remember what my parents look like." No trying to remember that far back.... Trying to remember their faces... It always caused pain. As though there was a mental lock on her mind, not allowing her access to this information.
The king picked up a book that was next to his bed and held it out "I know this wont replace your memories but maybe it will help them come back"
Ariella was speaking in a slow voice, "It isn't so much that it is more like.... Every time I try to remember my past.... It is like stretching a rubber band to far and it snaps back at you. I'm the rubber band snapping back into myself. Its like.... something it preventing me from remembering."
the king nodded his head "there are those here who can help you they are angels who fled after you were pushed they are skilled healers but they don't trust anyone but a few so you will have to put a request in to see them"
Ariella was giving a slow nod, although it was pretty obvious that she was quite unsure at that point in time.
"take all the time you need my dear no one will rush you here" the king smiled and then jumped when an advisor stormed in ignoring that his king had guests and cursing Aranya left and right
Ariella was just looking towards the advisor for a moment before her eyes seemed to glow as she spoke "Silence." The ability of persuasion, and the suggestion was being directed towards the advisor. Despite the man attempting to speak, no sound came out. "You are perhaps the rudest person I have ever met... and that is saying some considering both my uncle and the madman king are both rude."
the king chuckled lightly "thank you my dear he can be quite annoying when he wants to be and they keep trying to get me to disown my daughter so she doesn't take over when I die"
Ariella looked over at the advisor for a moment in time before she spoke, "I would personally fire him if that is the case." With that she was actually flicking her hands and shooing the man out of the room, although the man was opening his mouth to argue. To no prevail. "You can leave now, the adults are speaking." she spoke, despite the fact that she was in her mid-twenties and he was in his upper forties. Human year wise anyways.
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