Parallel (LunarWold & GardianAngel)

Vivian just looked at him before she spoke, "I know I shouldn't complain that I'm sore since I haven't even done much but... my whole body aches." And her head was killing her... yet that was more from the miasma of the demon realm.
"that is too be expected you don't often travel this far or ride your brother when he is a wolf so it is a lot of changes for you" Greg stood up and went and started a warm bath for her so she could rest
Vivian was just looking for a moment before she spoke, "It is more so this whole being pregnant thing that is wearing on me more than anything."
"well I would expect so you are growing a small child inside of you" Greg looked over when he heard a knock and found a succubus standing outside their door "miss my mistress sent me she heard you were expecting and asked if I would check on you. my skills and powers lie in reproduction and birth I am able to tell you the gender how many you are having and if they are healthy if not I can fix it"
Vivian was chuckling softly before she was looking towards the door at the knock, and it was revealed to be a succubus. Somebody who was stating that their mistress had sent them to check on her. This had Vivian giving a nod of her head before she spoke, "That would be wonderful."
Greg moved and the female walked in and kneeled on the floor touchingVivians belly lightly and closing her eyes so she could focus. after several minutes Greg shut the tub water off and the succubus stood "your children are healthy and strong ma'am I added some protections so your pregnancy will go smoothly and you will not miscarry no matter what happens"
Vivian was just giving a nod of her head as she listened to the woman, although she was just blinking a bit at the comment of children. Which had her questioning about that, wondering if perhaps she had misheard, or if the woman had misspoken.
"no ma'am I sense two life forms while you are still early on I can't get their genders yet but you are having twins" the succubus smiled at her and Greg congratulating them
Well this was news that Vivian had quite expected at all, and needless to say she did go slightly pale. Although it was more out of shock than anything... having not expected it at all. Twins... they were having twins.
"I will leave you both then" with that she headed out of the room closing the door behind her. Greg looked at Vivian and chuckled "come on love lets take a bath so you can relax"
Vivian was just giving a nod of her head before she was getting up from the bed, so that she could head into the bathroom. Twins though.... that wasn't something that she had been expecting at all.
"lets enjoy our bath and then sleep we can figure out everything tomorrow love" Greg was baffled as well but they both needed time to think
Vivian was giving a nod of her head although... She so wasn't ready for this. But at least it was Greg and not her ex husband.
Greg kissed her lightly "come on no more waiting the water will get cold" Greg then urged her to get in the tub after he stripped out of his own clothes
Vivian was just commenting that she was scared for what the future was going to bring for them. Although she did have to wonder how on earth she had gotten pregnant... they had been careful about it. Although accidents did happen, no matter how careful you were.
"who knows but maybe we were supposed to become parents this soon it gives us something to fight and live for" Greg knew she was scared he was too but for now they needed to rest
Vivian was giving a nod of her head before she spoke, "That whole fight to live for comment.... I don't agree with it. Perhaps because... There was never a time when I wanted to give up on my life, or just let it end. Not with how much of the world there is to see."
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