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Parallel (LunarWold & GardianAngel)

"Considering everybody knows that wolves are apart of the canine family, and canines cannot purr. It sounds so strange to hear you trying." Vivian was commenting with a soft giggle.
Soon they had arrived at the palace, and Vivian was just looking around a bit warily. Strange that she was so wary, although Ariella seemed completely at ease, despite the fact that it was demon territory and she wasn't a demon at all.
Greg walked over to Vivian and kissed her lightly “we're going to force him to shift and if the succubus that travels with us here is right she will feel his pain. She claims they are a bonded pair” Greg watched Kodi as he tried to get Ari to pet him
Vivian looked over for a moment before she spoke, "I hope so.... Her in such an emotionless state is a bit scary." Sure it was nice to have somebody level-headed in dangerous situations, but Ariella seemed almost completely devoid of emotion.
“True I would rather it be one of us” Greg then walked with her to Kodi and when he started to pull Kodi away from Ari and the nodded to Viv so she could hold her back and started to force him to shift
Vivian was just looking towards Ariella and was just telling her to come and sit next to her. At first there didn't seem to be any reaction at all, but as soon as Kodi started withering in pain, Ariella was in that same boat.
Brayden was looking over before he was sprinting over to assist as well. Damn he hadn't actually believed that the two were bonded but sure enough... Ariella was curled up in a small ball, tears on her cheeks. Vivian was doing what she could to try and comfort the other female.
"Wake the hell up already Kodi. You are in pain, which is causing Ariella pain. And in turn is stressing your sister out." Brayden was mumbling.
After a few more minutes Kodi shifted and the change in his eye color told them both that his human half was awake but worn out. Kodi then reached for Ari but as he could barely move that wasn’t getting him very far
After a few more minutes Kodi shifted and the change in his eye color told them both that his human half was awake but worn out. Kodi then reached for Ari but as he could barely move that wasn’t getting him very far
Brayden was catching the man and was just stating that they needed to just get them all inside, so that they could rest for a bit.
The guards nodded their head and then showed them in and to their rooms. They placed Ari and Kodi and Greg and Vivian together in their own rooms to keep mates together
Not that Ariella really noticed at all, she was curled up. Thanks to a bit of help from Vivian, she had ended up passing out completely. Although Vivian hadn't been able to help Kodi at the time, only because she didn't have any physical contact with him.
Vivian was just watching for a moment from where she was standing, before she was heading off so that she could go to the room that they were given.
Vivian was just looking at Greg for a moment before she spoke "I'm sorry I've been such a burden lately... "
"she probably has a lot of work to do I am betting we will see her in the morning" Greg smiled and then ruffled her hair "lets rest for now"
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