Parallel (LunarWold & GardianAngel)

while the two of them relaxed a medic checked on Ari and Kodi making sure that they were both doing ok. while that was happening Aranya was listening to her father's advisors and wanting to strangle them. it was during this meeting that the sick king asked for Brayden to join him
Ariella had no idea that the medic was even there, she was fast a sleep. Alathough at some point she had moved away from Kodi and taken up a spot in the window seat. This is where she had fallen asleep, her magic wrapped around herself lightly, nothing harmful.
Brayden had just been relaxing after the long travel when he was called by the king, which had a sigh escaping him. He got that the king was sick but this couldn't wait a day, or a few hours. He was worn out after the rigorous travel.
“Sorry sir we have learned to be called on when ever the king is awake as he is often in a deep sleep” The male then escorted him to where the king was resting
"I'm not a demon. Don't know why I'm getting wrapped up in this. Technically I'm a guest." Brayden was mumbling but he went with them anyways/.
“I am human I get wrapped up in this quite often as for why he wants to see you I can only guess” the female the. Opened the door to the kings room and motioned for him to go in
Brayden was just mumbling under his breath before he was walking into the room, just folding his arms across his chest. Nope he definitely wasn't in the mood at all, and didn't really care if the man was a king or not. His opinion of him had been lowered after a guest was treated as such.
The king looked at him and then spoke “I do apologize for bothering you after you had just arrived but I doubt I will live to see the sunrise tomorrow.” The king knew his time was up and he had to act fast to protect his daughter
"And what is it that you are needing from me?" Brayden was questioning. Hell he hardly even knew Aranya, other than when he had been forced to take her as a slave because of his former king. Yet again that was probably better than her belonging to the king himself.
“When I go please stay by her side as a friend and advisor until you feel that she can handle the council alone. I won’t ask you for anything more then that as I know even that is asking for a lot” The king then started to cough and ended up coughing up blood
"I don't think she sees me as a friend." Brayden was commenting in a low voice. And he truly couldn't blame her at all either.
“I doubt that she speaks highly of you all I think that even after everything she does see you that way” The king sighed and leaned back while watching him
"I don't see how. Under the orders of my king Of put through hell. Yet I suppose... If I didn't, he would... And that would be worse." Brayden was commenting before he was letting out a slight breath of air.
“Your king did and would have given her hell what ever you did was probably nothing to her he’ll I bet if you walked up to her and hugged her she would relax in to you” The king had seen how tense his daughter was and when she had mentioned them he had seen her start to relax
Brayden was commenting that he had no idea before he was staring that there another in his group who wanted to see her soon as well. Words were spoken thanks to his former king, and friends had drifted apart. "Us being here is going to lead to your kingdom going to war." He was adding.
“Then we go to war I made a mistake the day I sent my daughter away but I will make that up to her” The king knew war was coming and so did Aranya
Brayden was just shaking his head before he was commenting that the king wasn't to be underestimated at all.
“This I know all too well but if this kingdom and the angelic kingdom work together I think he can be defeated" The King sighed knowing that would be one hell of a battle
"Well... the Angelic kingdom... We are going to have to help the Princess reclaim what is rightfully hers." Brayden was commenting after a moment in time.
Brayden was giving a nod of his head before he explained everything that had happened, and how she so happened to be there at the time.
the king nodded his head "she will have our support in reclaiming her kingdom as she is the rightful heir" the king remembered when she had been little and had often played with Aranya
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