Parallel (LunarWold & GardianAngel)

Ariella just shook her head before she spoke, "I'm alright. Just a minor headache, it happens." With that she gave a smile before going back to cooking.
"After I fell... I ended up suffering from amnesia. Over the past couple of weeks my memories have been coming back, at seemingly random moments. That is all that it is for me." Ariella spoke, reassuring voice.
Ariella looked over before she spoke, "I do plan on going back home... But not yet. I have to find a way to recover here before I can go back. I plan on taking what is mine."
Soon enough breakfast was done and Ariella went to wake up the others so that they could eat some actual food.
Vivian was partially eating, although it seemed like she wasn't all that hungry at the same time. She was more playing with her food at that point in time. Yet again Greg would know, while Kodi wouldn't, that she had just gotten over being sick. And then all of this had happened, so her appetite still wasn't up to par. But she was at least eating something. Granted not a whole lot but a little was better than none at all. And while she didn't eat large meals at one sitting, she did end up snacking throughout the day. But her appetite was slowly getting better.
At least somewhat eating. She had only eaten maybe a fourth of her food, but that was definitely more than what she had been eating. Prior it would have been a few bites before she was pushing it away from her.
Ariella was looking over before she was opening up a portal so that the woman could leave the realm, telling her to stay safe in her travels.
“I will be watch of an energy blast I’ll signal if the ruins are clear and safe to live in” Aranya then headed out and made her way to the ruins
Aranya moved fast her wings allowing her to stay out of reach and site. When she reached the ruins Aranya flew down and landed looking over the area. After several hours she discovered the three rooms had survived as well as the kitchen and what looked to be a bathing room while mold and mildew would need to be cleaned out of there it was still in good shape. After finding a tone of gold still in the building Aranya went to work replacing the furniture and kitchen supplies. She also replaced and stocked up on food. It took three days before the ruins were habitable and she sent out a blast of powers away from the ruins to avoid the king finding them
Three days had gone by although at some point during that time the group had left the realm and were headed towards the ruins. They were collecting their own stuff along the way, so that they had plenty of food, stocked up.
Aranya greeted them when they arrived and informed them that there were only three rooms as most of the castle had fallen but she was working to rebuild so that they all had a room
"I mean if we all have to share a room, so be it." Ariella spoke with a small shrug. Not that she wasn't use to sharing with Kodi. Sadly overly the past few months she had found herself more and more attached to him, and she wasn't sure if it was good or bad.
Aranya smiled “thankfully there are three rooms and they are fully furnished” Aranya then guided them in and showed them where the rooms were
Well now that they all had rooms, this meant that they could all get settled in for the night and actually sleep. At least that is what Ariella was wanting to do, just sleep. Vivian on the other hand was pawing at Greg a bit as though she was wanting something else from him.
Greg smiled at her and kissed the top of her head “I’ll see you all in the morning we are going to go get some rest” Greg then walked her back to the room they were sharing
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